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[ Looking For ] Status Spell Mod


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I saw this mod in some youtube video while looking for another... I think it was in a video involving a portable sleeping bag that took the shape of where ever you dropped it. At the time, I ignored it (as I was looking for a good camp mod) but Ive been kurious about some of the enemies and npcs I run into... what level are they.. what skills do they have.


The mod it self acts like you're kasting a spell, once the spell hits... you "read" the character. A display pops up with a nice GUI of words and numbers, listed quite nicely as I remember. Sadly, I kant find that same youtube video and nexus is a good mod site but you really have to kno the exact name sometimes to find a mod. Anyway, if anyone has this mod or knows its name or has a link, please share... I sure as hell looked for it for a good 2 days lol #Sigh.

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Don't some if not all of the major companion framework mods do this already for followers (e.g., UFO, AFT, EFF)? Regarding opponents, I believe some of the magic mods have something like this, but perhaps not in a single-panel format (e.g., Apocalypse).
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This mod seems to be similar to what you are searching for.


Hey thats it !! You're a winner man d(^_^)b #HighFive. It was only a small klip in the mod video I saw, maybe 10seconds but idk, just stuck in my head. One of them useless but useful spells/mods. Kant wait to run around town testing it.

Edited by Vadenx
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