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Radiant Quests - where have you gone?


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So, ever since I started playing again loads of Radiant Quests don't start when I speak to the peoples that offer them. I've got some new content;

Dawnguard, DG unofficial patch, Much Ado About Snow Elves, Quest - Sorcery, Convenient Horses, Guard Dialogue Overhaul and Warzones.

Frankly I got no idea if this is even caused by mods to start with, have yet tried deactivating them to see if the quests pop up. (I know I can trigger quests via console, but I rather get down to the root of the issue instead of "cheating".)


Here is a list of the quests that have yet to trigger:

Dravin's Bow (Outside of Riften)

Caught Red Handed from Svana (Riften Bunkhouse)

Dungeoun Delving from Frida (Dawnstar)

Rare Gifts from Rustleif (Dawnstar)

Rare Gifts from Lami (Morthal)

KIll the Bandit Leader from Ahtar (Solitude)


Note - some similar quests have on the other hand started!

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