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If you were Jarl...


Now New and Improved with all the options.  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Hold would you want to rule?

    • Falkreath
    • Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
    • The Rift (Riften)
    • Haafingar (Solitude)
    • Whiterun
    • Eastmarch (Windhelm)
    • Winterhold
    • Screw that, I want to be High King.
    • The Reach (Markarth)
    • The Pale (Dawnstar)

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If your Dovahkiin were to become a Jarl, which NPCs would you collect to be your court mage, your bodyguard or military adviser, your steward? Who would hang out in your throne room (or your bedroom :P)? Would you have a personal chef or blacksmith or tailor?


I try to draw something every day, and today as I was sketching some of my favorite NPCs I realized I was kind of arranging them as though they were my Dovahkiin's entourage, and thus I began to consider this.



I would be the Jarl of Winterhold, because I just want to be left alone, studying magic surrounded by Elves.


-My bodyguard would be Jenassa, the Dunmer mercenary from Whiterun, because well... she's scary. (And she's pretty huge. My skinny Breton is dwarfed by her.) "Painting with strokes of blood red on the canvas of life." ... Be still my heart. :)

-My mage would be Uraccen, the (if I remember correctly) skooma-addicted Reachman from Cidhna Mine. I think he deserves some redemption. (I'd marry him if he wasn't like 20 years older than my character - I don't need a stepdaughter my own age, thanks.)

-My steward would be Revyn Sadri, the Dunmer merchant from Winhelm. He surprises me by being just an honest, hardworking person, without being irritating, abrasive, or unlikeable (like most of the "simple, honest, hardworking people" in Skyrim are). He was the NPC that made me wish I could give significant amounts of charity after I had amassed a fortune I didn't need. Why couldn't I go give him a couple thousand gold? :< And he seems like the most reliable person I have collected to trust with running my daily life.

-My housecarl would be Cicero. Can you imagine anyone more devoted?

-I'd like to have a ghost haunting my abode and looking out for me -


Savos Aren, former archmage. I thought he was an ineffectual, politically-minded bureaucrat while he was alive, but going through Labyrinthian I realized how cool and willing to make awful decisions he was. I want him as my adviser. (I'd marry him too, except for the 'dead' thing, and being about a hundred years older than my character... Well, since he's a Mer, that part's acceptable, but the dead thing is a real mood killer.)


One thing I don't have is a husband or wife. Oh well, doomed to be forever alone. (I know some of those people are marryable, but they don't quite feel right...)


Anyone else? Do you have a collection of NPC's you'd install in your court once you got it?

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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As High King(that is Jarl of Solitude as well), I would choose this ones:


-My bodyguard(I think that it's the same of housecarl) would be Mjoll the Lioness and Benor.


-My court wizard would be Falion.


-My Stewart would be Arngeir(greybeard)


-My personal chef would be The Gourmet. :tongue:


-My Blacksmith would be Eorlund Gray-Mane.


-I didn't married yet because I'm waiting for Serana to be marryable(thought this might never happen).

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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Hold: Dawnstar


Travelling bodyguard - Jenassa - loyal pitbull if ever you saw one.

Housecarl (i.e. chief of security) - Brynjolf

Commander of the Guard - Ghorbash the Iron Hand

Court Wizard - J'zargo

Quartermaster - Enthir - this guy can get his hands on anything

Steward - Delvin Mallory

Blacksmith - Oengul War-Anvil

Personal Advisor - M'aiq the Liar

Court Executioner - Ahtar

Tax Collector - Ahtar

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I attempted to make a mod where you would become Jarl, following the Stormcloak storyline, the only logical city where you could become Jarl would be Solitude. Think about it, Ulfric becomes high-king (whos building is in Solitude) and he passes the role of Jarl of Solitude onto the player who replaces the former high-king's spouse who has no right to be there in the first place!
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AnkhAscendant....you forgot the Reach.... :happy:


My Hold: The Reach


Bodyguard: My Man is a Lone Wolf and refuses a Follower let alone a Bodyguard....so he will stick to his ring summoned Snowy Sabre Tooth.


Mage: Duach...is one of the Forsworn in Cidhna Mine...I don't know why, but I just really like him...I think because he comes across to me as a reserved private man with a fire in his heart.


Steward: Madanach.....My Dovahkin would be working towards a peaceful treaty with the Forsworn, so who better to have at his side and have his ear than the King in Rags himself.


Housecarl (Chief of Secruity): Kodlak Whitemane....a man I would trust...though my Dovah is not in any Guilds....from earlier play throughs I know this is a man my man could place his trust in.


Black Smith: Eolund Grey-Mane....best Smithy in Skyrim.


Quarter Master: Revyn Sadri ...he is a good man.


Marriage partner: To be honest I am not sure....my Dovah is not the marrying type....though Elisif the Fair would be a very good political marriage considering my Dovah's intentions to broker treaty in the Reach.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Kodlak would have to politely turn you down on that Housecarl gig. If not for health reasons, then because that would be the last thing he'd ever actively do - get involved in the riff-raff of running a hold.

Ah, but if my dude doesn't join the Companions Kodlak lives forever.... :turned: ...gotta love games.... :biggrin:

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