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Created new item, can't generate it in game


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I was following the tutorial on the creation kit wiki, about making new weapons and armor: http://www.creationkit.com/Customizing_Weapons_%26_Armor

I followed it exactly, but when I try to type player.EquipItem VorpalSword 1, it won't generate the sword and seems to need an item ID code, but I have no idea what the new item's ID code is, or why it's not working as the tutorial said it would. Any suggestions?

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I was following the tutorial on the creation kit wiki, about making new weapons and armor: http://www.creationkit.com/Customizing_Weapons_%26_Armor

I followed it exactly, but when I try to type player.EquipItem VorpalSword 1, it won't generate the sword and seems to need an item ID code, but I have no idea what the new item's ID code is, or why it's not working as the tutorial said it would. Any suggestions?



Try typing help VorpalSword


That should give you the I'd number

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when i type "player.EquipItem VorpalSword 1" it says "Item 'VorpalSword' not found for parameter Object ID Compiled Script not saved!"


when I trype "help vorpalsword" it just says





---OTHER FORMS---------"

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In general, it's best to use "help _________ 4". I'm pretty sure that the suffix "4" is essentially the "all" command. Also, though I doubt you'll need it for your current problem, you can use PageUp and PageDown to scroll through the console, if the help command returns a long list.
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When the item's name is VORPAL SWORD he won't find it when you search for VORPALSWORD

Just enter HELP VORPAL to get the ID CODE, afterwards enter PLAYER.ADDITEM code 1

1= amount, or use your equip cmd - if nothing shows up after using the HELP cmd you made a mistake in CK.

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