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Okay help me out here,(Xbox 360 player) I have obtained the Amulet of Mara, and all the Lydia bugs were supposed to be fixed, but I still cant marry her! What is wrong? I haven't encountered one person I can marry yet. I know, I know, I have to make them my friend first and blah bla-blah blah, and I have done that! Can anyone help me out?

Konahrik Lein Nivahriin Fus Paar Alduin Ro

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before you can use the Amulet of Mara to have the conversation to marry them, you need to speak with one of the priests in the temple in Riften. After you talk to them, you get the option to buy the amulet. you may have to buy the amulet before any other amulet of mara is useable to initiate the marriage dialog.
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