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I Fought The Law. NCR Troopers don't spawn


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I haven't read anyone else having this issue but on the point of the quest where you meet up for the assault only the one Sargent is there and the rest of the troopers are missing. I had my own mod that modified the trooper's gear but didn't change anything else i thought that might have been the issue so i disabled the mod and went to a save before the point of the quest started and the troopers still don't appear, then i disabled every mod and just left New Vegas and its DLCs and still they don't appear. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read my problem.


update: Okay so the the troopers on the other side do spawn however the troopers to have to spawn in your spot don't spawn in.

Edited by Obdulio
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If all else fails, only Sergeant Lee has to live in order to complete the quest (which you can after Eddie is dead). The easiest way to do this is to sneak kill all Powder Gangers inside the Facility except Eddie. Alternatively, you could just reverse pickpocket some better armor, weapons and ammo onto Lee and let him do all the dirty work.
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