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About Zalman1337

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  1. That's why I don't like SLI: so many games don't support it and you rarely notice the difference. It just isn't worth it, in my experience (you're better off with getting one really good video card instead of wasting money on 2).
  2. I just got back from the Soul Cairn and I can't find my Dead Thrall anywhere. I've tried fast traveling back and forth between different cells and waiting several days but I've had no luck so far. Is there any way I can find my Dead Thrall or get him to come back to me? I found a way to fix my problem: I loaded an earlier save, opened the console and clicked on my thrall. I wrote down the reference ID, loaded my current save, used prid to select them with the ID I wrote down and used "moveto player".
  3. I do have a dead thrall, is that's what causing it? Is there any way to fix it other than killing my dead thrall? I haven't added or removed any mods since before I made this character.
  4. Yeah right. I have more RAM than Skyrim can use.
  5. Bethesda is well known for fixing all the bugs with delayed releases like this. I'm sure those two months were spent on fixing them all.
  6. Now for some reason everyone I run into says something like "That spell looks dangerous..." I don't have any active effects and I don't have any spells equipped.
  7. I imagine it would be like the Stormcloak Officer's set, only with a kid instead of a bear.
  8. It's not really the weapon itself that's trash: it's the associated perks. Hack and Slash, Bonebreaker and Bladesman are all practically wasted perks considering what good they do (because like you said, nothing has significant armor rating and the other two scale very, very poorly). I'd recommend skipping Reflect Blows, Matching Set, Tower of Strength (doesn't work AT ALL in vanilla) and possibly Well Fitted (and 1-5 ranks of Juggernaut) depending on what type of armor and/or shield you plan on using. I would also recommend skipping Conditioning, Cushioned and Fists of Steel unless you plan on using a standing stone instead of the Steed Stone (after you have finished leveling all your important skills of course). Two things I would recommend are Quick Reflexes and Shield Charge (although I'd skip the 5/5 Shield Wall because it just isn't necessary). Skip the 1h weapon based perks entirely (axe/mace/sword) as they're all worthless. As for the speech perks, personally I would skip 5/5 Haggling in favor of something like 1/5 Haggling/Allure/Merchant/Investor and maybe a few points in Pickpocket for 1/5 Light Fingers/Night Thief/Extra Pockets, but that just comes down to what utility perks you would prefer, if any (I prefer extra carrying capacity over everything else).
  9. Absolutely not because I'm 100% sure that so many people will have preordered it on Steam that it's likely to cause their servers to fail, just like when Skyrim first came out.
  10. Because it's obviously a scam. You have to take a survey to be able to download it, and the actual download is probably a virus or spyware.
  11. I'll buy it when it's on sale for at least 50% off. I've already waited 2 months, I can wait a few more.
  12. This is obviously a scam. I'm not sure if you're naive or just a shill.
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