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Help With Creating a Quest


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I am trying to make a quest that starts only after the player has reached level 10 and I want a letter to be delivered to them that initiates the quest. Can someone please help me with this? I have tried everything, and I have no clue. If you help, I will credit you in my mod when I release v2.


Thank you.



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I can't actually tell you how to do it, but I can tell you some vanilla quests you can dissect so you can see how to do it (which is how I always figure things out). Sanguine's quest "A night to remember" won't be available until level 15, I think, so you can look at that one for that part, and Mehrunes Dagon's quest starts when a letter is delivered, so there's that part. Sorry I don't remember the name of the second one. Hopefully you can see how those do it and combine the two.
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Thank you so much. :) When my homework permits me, I will get to work on it immediately!! If it works, I'll let you know. :) Btw, I clicked the links you have, and I saw the one about the extended Daedra Quests! I'd love that mod! It'd be absolutely awesome.


I can't actually tell you how to do it, but I can tell you some vanilla quests you can dissect so you can see how to do it (which is how I always figure things out). Sanguine's quest "A night to remember" won't be available until level 15, I think, so you can look at that one for that part, and Mehrunes Dagon's quest starts when a letter is delivered, so there's that part. Sorry I don't remember the name of the second one. Hopefully you can see how those do it and combine the two.

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The most straightforward way to do this is probably via the story manager. Set up your quest as you normally would, but you'll need to do a few extra things:


  1. In your quest's Quest Data tab, under the Event dropdown, select "Increase level"
  2. Go to the CK's "SM Event Node" (a few spots under "Quest") and open up "Increase Level"
  3. Add a new node, name it whatever you want (if this is a single quest, just do a quest node; if you plan on making this part of a more complex tree of quests, you may want to do as a branch node with quest nodes under)
  4. Add your quest to the node
  5. If this is a one-time thing, don't worry about the other options; if this is part of something larger, read up on how the Story Manager works for event sharing, etc.
  6. Add you level requirement to either the node itself, or to the quest (really depends on whether this is a one-time thing or you'll have related quests, etc.); basically a GetLevel >= 10 run against the player.

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