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Helping Hand with Vortex and Mods for SSE


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So.. A few days ago I just bought Skyrim Special Edition, I wanted to try a wide variety of mods for SSE and well I'm new to modding.. My understanding is so low I don't know how to do these load orders, setting "rules" on some of these mods. Watching MxR Mods for quite some time, I was inspired to download mods that enhanced the graphics of the game and the characterization. But I'm guessing it's not that easy to do so well for me definitely. It resulted in many load order problems, plugins, and whenever I would try racemenu it would only work on the face not the upper body and lower. Eventually SKSE64 would not load and so I tried to "reorganize" by disabling some mods and only focusing on the Characterization mods. Still it would not start. At this point I just deleted everything even the game and the files. I just couldn't understand. I need help. A walkthrough lmao, I'm doing a fresh start. I definitely wanna focus on the Characterization part as I enjoy them, getting hella detailed and be proud it lmao. Also hmu with some Characterization mods. Thanks for reading this problematic whateverafdsfvaegef.

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Couple of points:

1) You never need to reinstall Skyrim SE. Vortex makes no permanent changes to your game directory. If you think the game is damaged, run Steam Validate on it.

2) Start small. Install exactly one mod (and it's requirements) and make sure it works.

3) Add a few more. Same rule. Make sure it works.

4) Don't worry about load order. Vortex will handle it. If you have conflicts, Vortex will tell you what they are and let you choose load order between them.

5) Have fun. If you are getting frustrated - you are doing it wrong.

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