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huge game breaking glitch


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fixed it. on a hunch i deleted a bunch of meshes that werent unnecessary to the game itself and now it works.



Hi, so i was playing skyrim a few days ago just fine, and then i went to fire it up for another session, and i came across this animation problem:





the character and all NPC are stuck in this pose, and they just float around with no animation. I posted in this section so that it could get more views.


Thanks to anyone who knows how to fix this or what causes the issue.

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I've seen that before. It happened when I tried to change the height of the race that my character was part of. She wouldn't move just slide around like that.


You add any recent mods that adjust skeletons, race records or anything remotely NPC related?


Nothing current. just animated prositution which was installed ages ago, and a showracemenu option so i could change my character's hair and face. But both of these were working prior to this issue. i already tried uninstalling animated prositution to no avail.


photo of NPC's doing the same thing: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938129892968737569/FDEE95187D13A347203A75BF8C652AD06C40ABF1/

Edited by srsparky32
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