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Those "important warnings" upon reloading an esp in CK

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I'm not talking about the thousands of "errors" that always are shown, but after some edits I will get a dialogue box after I re-load into my plugin that has to be closed out before continue work. I have also seen this with very popular mods that I've looked at in the CK. I've never been able to identify anything in the "warning text file" that is mentioned, but I have tracked one cause down to adding NPCs to certain cells, which creates a "location" edit that I can fix by deleting the record in xedit.(thanks to jenncave) I never did find any documented info on this fix so I'm hoping we can get some feedback in this post and hopefully make a place where future modders can find what info is available regarding these warning pop-ups.


I keep lots of backups so I can investigate things like this and know there are other edits that cause the warning such as adding weapons to certain cells, or even duplicating certain objects.


I haven't found any info on this type of warning so my question is for experienced modders or anyone that might know more about this. It seems that they are usually harmless seeing that mods with thousands of endorsements can have them, but I just can't bring myself to upload a mod for people and hope for the best. Any info including anecdotal is appreciated.

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sample, making a settlement, after making location/zone/cell name, and you add wb centermarker ect, and you set the encounter zones for all those

the ck trow errors at you when loading again, after save, those are harmless, ck only discover they not in the right place, save again after load and all is fine


same for adding a npc you can set the perm loc for them, and or add like boss keyword, next time ck trow a error, most are harmless, ck only discover some things are not in the right place and auto correct them


another sample is renaming a cell, and it have npc's in it, next time ck tell you those are not in the right place, now this time ck is correct, to match it you have to chane the zone on the npc's


aside of the zillion errors the main files spit out, most errors in any esp you make your self is harmless, most in esp made by others are prolly harmless to, its the way ck works

(and that is crappy)


navmesh is another story, you have to check those, if ck spit errors about them, it happens mostly with surounding cells if you did a new navmesh on your cell

but again most of those are harmless to, but it looks good if you fix them, there are always peeps wo going to cry about it, or any error fo4/ck give

Edited by speedynl
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sample, making a settlement, after making location/zone/cell name, and you add wb centermarker ect, and you set the encounter zones for all those

the ck trow errors at you when loading again, after save, those are harmless, ck only discover they not in the right place, save again after load and all is fine


same for adding a npc you can set the perm loc for them, and or add like boss keyword, next time ck trow a error, most are harmless, ck only discover some things are not in the right place and auto correct them


another sample is renaming a cell, and it have npc's in it, next time ck tell you those are not in the right place, now this time ck is correct, to match it you have to chane the zone on the npc's


aside of the zillion errors the main files spit out, most errors in any esp you make your self is harmless, most in esp made by others are prolly harmless to, its the way ck works

(and that is crappy)


navmesh is another story, you have to check those, if ck spit errors about them, it happens mostly with surounding cells if you did a new navmesh on your cell

but again most of those are harmless to, but it looks good if you fix them, there are always peeps wo going to cry about it, or any error fo4/ck give

Thanks for the input. I actually made settlements and studied your settlement guide posts all weekend and learned a bit about these errors.


If I add the location to cells before adding a workbench, I will not get the warning. It never does fix itself for me though, I have to delete records in xedit or simply add my references in a certain order, and the record that needs to be deleted doesn't directly point to any reference that I can see. I also stopped using the initialize location quest which also throws the location errors.


Aa you've already figured out, most of these errors are location based. Hopefully this can all be helpful to someone because I get so OCD when working on my mods that once I get a warning popping up that I couldn't fix, i cant bring myself to upload it like that.

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If I add the location to cells before adding a workbench, I will not get the warning. It never does fix itself for me though


no i mean if you set up everyting, and set the encounter zone's on wb, markers ect, and save/load it say it not in the right place, but save/load fix it

its a lil habbit of mine to set encounter zone on all markers/npc/wb/ect


as for my guide posts ?, i think you mean blabla thread, i'm just a n00b wo trowed around some ideas and comments

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