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Insert the morrowind CD in a drive


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Since a day or 2 i have a problem. When i insert the morrowind CD-Rom, he doesn't start up. When I click my desktop item, my PC say's: Insert the morrowind CD in any CD/DVD Drive.

What can I do about it?


PS: The Cd isn't damaged and it is a legal version.


Thanks if you can help me.



Now i have noticed that it is a major problem. My drives (CD & DVD both) read music, but no data. I know it doesnt really fits on a Morrowind forum, but if anyone can help me out ...

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It may also be a defective drive. That happens a lot, and even a barely marginal disc can some times push it over the edge. Data CDs are usually read at a higher speed than audio CDs. This allows less time for error correction to be used. You may also try cleaning the drive with the commonly available cleaning discs (Radio Shack sells them for about $10.00US). But your best bet would be to replace the drive itself.
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Thanx, I solved the problem, but on a strange and long way..

First I reinstalled windows, then the drive recognized empty discs. then I took backups, en then i formatted my hard disk. Now everything works again, and a lot faster.

Now I see it was nothing to do with the disc or the game, just a stupid Bill-Gates problem.

Thanks for the replies anyway.


Consider this as closed.


Still once: Thanks to all anyway

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