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No Eyes?


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You see I was trying once again to completely mod my copy of Oblivion, using Knots guide located here:




So far I've gotten up to and finished step 5, and everything seemed to be going fine, that was until I started up a new character.

As you can see he seems to be missing some important parts, but I'm fairly certain this is due to some of the race overhauls.

Is there any way to fix this problem? (Keep in mind it's not just for my character, all NPC's have missing eyes)

I've tried using BOSS, rebuilding the Bashed Patch but no luck so far.

I will upload my mod list in a minute to see if you guys could give me a hand, it would be much appreciated.

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Beautiful People is a known cause of 'googly eyes' . Try disabling it and re-build your Bashed Patch.


Also, on a side note, if you have TNR ALL RACES FINAL.esp installed, you do not need the individual race plugins -- they are older, and should only be used as overrides (see the readme).

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Whoops, disregard that I did like you said and only activated the "All Races.esp", the only thing is that the guide says that it may conflict with some other mods, so I may have to ditch it later.

Anyways thank you once again.


TNR only alters the face geometery of created NPCs, and the 'all races' does nothing that the individual plugins don't, apart from changing more of them. Always remember to rebuild your Bashed Patch when adding/removing mods, and you should be ok, especially since you have rid yourself of the biggest compatibility issue mod (BP).

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Well, actually, going by load order the OP never used BP to begin with. There was just the "compatibility plugin" for Robert's Male and BP.

This was causing the eyes issue, pointing to assets from Beautiful People, while there never was a Beautiful People installed to begin with.


Both plugins come from Robert's Male, but the readme instructs one to only use one of them, according to whether there is BP installed or not.

It's a common mistake to keep using both of them, which "always" results in issues with eyes, especially since "activating" (installing) the mod through OBMM activates both plugins by default, and I guess similar mod managers do likewise.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Well, actually, going by load order the OP never used BP to begin with. There was just the "compatibility plugin" for Robert's Male and BP.


Yeah, I can see that now. I use Robert's Male myself, and I've never seen the BP compatibility plugin, so I just assumed that the OP had BP installed, going by the cut-off plugin name in the screenshot.

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