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What are things that should, or need to be in Diamond City?


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A central stash box that connects all workshops and workbenches together like Fallout 76.

I wouldn't because that'd be everything, and Diamond City, and it'd OP, really OP. If you mean just Diamond City, then yes (I don't know if it does that auto', I don't use the workshops in Diamond City).

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in diamond city blues it is mentioned that henry cooke helps move drugs into the city without the guards knowing. Maybe a tunnel that leads from somewhere in diamond city to somewhere outside the baseball field


Malcolm latimer is a rich guy in diamond city but he doesn't have a real job. Maybe make him a banker and make a bank in diamond city.


the codmans mention that they own the codman ranch where they grow the brahmins for the meat that polly sells in diamond city. Maybe a location outside diamond city for the codman ranch

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