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Corrupted Save?


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As of late, I have been having horrible problems with what appear to be corrupted saves. In this case, I'm leaving Smith Casey's garage, and get ambushed by a bear, a rad scorpion and three Talon Company mercs. Killing them is fun, as I get to see a stealth field, a Fat Man and a high big skills. It's hilarious even with realistic gore settings. But, I go over to loot the bodies, quicksave as looting Talon Company Mercs oftentimes causes my game to crash, and it crashes, and then I reload, and any form of saving thereafter causes a crash and doesn't update the save file. Up till now, I have encountered zones that when I save in them it crashes (Pentagon to Broken Bow in the DC Watershed) places that would crash if I went into the cell (near Evergreen Mills, though taking the Unofficial patch out of the load order stopped that) and then this (without the Fallout Unofficial Patch). I think it's the Butcher Pete mod acting up cause this started after the late mod quest the Dominant Supplier. I need to know if a merged patch is likely to clean this up. If so then I need the following help:


1. What is a merged patch and is it reversible? Specifically, load order is important: if FWE is loaded after Practice Makes Perfect, the mag perks will work, if the opposite is true, all mags but Duck and Cover will give me a skill point instead. I have unapologetically gamed the hell out of this in the name of roleplay, and wish to continue.

2. Why would a merged patch help?

3. All directions must be for FOMM 0.12.6 for someone who's ability to create a patch depends on that version and the exact phrasing of it's buttons. This has been a major issue in not making a merged patch until now.


Thank you.

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First, I suggest you download and install B.O.S.S. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10193 to set your load order. Than download and read the FO3Edit Training Manual: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629. Than download and install FO3Edit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637. I am not aware of any way to create a merged patch with FOMM.
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