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Help Requested For an Existing Mod


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I found a bamboo staff and bow mod on the site (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14617) and downloaded it. I wanted to be able to use the bamboo staffs as one handed weapons (swords for example) so they could be dual wielded. However, when I made the modifications in the creation kit, it didn't work. The bamboo staff remained on my character's back, and although there were one handed animations, it did not display the weapon in my character's hand. I think it might have something to do with the .NIF file for the weapon, as I even tried replacing the mesh for a default one handed sword with the one from the mod, and the same results happened. However, for both instances, the staff did show up properly in the left hand. Can anyone help me with this? It's driving me crazy. I checked the author of the mod and he/she hasn't been on in over a month, so I can't expect help from them anytime soon.
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I could be completely wrong on this, but I believe that it has something to do with the NiStringExtraData in the .nif. One handed weapons seem to have that set to WeaponSword. Perhaps try that, see if it works. Make a backup though, I could be remembering completely wrong, since I haven't messed with doing that type of thing since sometime last year.
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