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Hey from Colorado - the crouded part.


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Hey all,
I'm kind of an old fart to be getting into the modded game side of things, but, I pretty much got stuck setting in a zero gravity chair for a solid 2 weeks and another 2-4 of going easy while my new bionic (age dating myself) Titanium hip heals.
I got bored with the vanilla Skyrim SE and my buddy that's a gamer turned me onto Nexxus. And, I went nuts with mods. I have a couple other games I downloaded just in case I got super bored. But, that hasn't happened yet. My style is fantasy, stealth, some hack n slash, no combat stuff.
I have played Skyrim the most - 3 full playthroughs on the old XBX 360 over the years, then the XBX1 a couple times, now PC. Been through Witcher WH. But, I am really a Tomb Raider lover - totally works with my brain I guess.

I'm a retired geologist, now managing an office building. I am also a mechanic, welder and fabricator - meaning, I build custom motorcycles and cars - Harley, Hot Rods, Rat Rods and Tuners. Back in the days of early computers, I started building computers and was trained in networking. First build was an 8088 running DOS 2.0, last one I built was a WIN 2000 server machine. But, been out of that for a long time now. I'm still trying to wrap my noggin around mods and script extenders - while trying not to blow up my game. Which, I've done once already.



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It is amazing what they can do now days. It took one hour in a outpatient surgery center to do a full replacement. They figured out how to do it where recovery is fast - 4-6 weeks.
I know they have electrical impulse sensors that get put inside the skin and used in conjunction with powered biotic appendages. It's pretty cool. A friend of mine is an amputee that did his degree research on new ways to attach prosthetic legs. Amazing stuff.

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