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Where to find Sounds of Skyrim old versions that don't cause probl


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I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could get the old versions of SoS that didn't cause the problems that the papyrus scripting introduced with Civilization. I got Civilization when it came out and then of course had to uninstall all of my SoS mods to get rid of the problems but since the files are now hidden I can't get the old versions of the Wilds and Dungeons back and I miss them very much because they were awesome :(
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The only 2 options from the Sounds series I know worked for me with no problems, (unless you are running another mod of the same type) needs to be the following versions or before


The Dungeon : V1.21

The Wilds : 1.11


The other version or Sounds options have been known to cause serious save game problems and some people reported CTD's.


I do in fact have these files, but I do not have permission to distribute them from the Mod's creator, Cliffworms. If the Author would msg or email me through the Nexus msg service so I can in fact verifiy it is the rightful owner, I will re-post the mods in the english verion once permission has been granted.


Right now there is a German version and a Itallian version on NExus with these version numbers





I hope this helps :)

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