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Forum Faschism


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I don't want to attract a ban-stick here (just got smacked by one on the oblivion forums), but it's something quite un-settling about forum topics and discussions in general. Has anyone noticed the moderators keep a closed lid on peoples' voices? I've seen not so often someone start a controversial thread, about piracy and the like - only to have it disappear moments later and the poster finding themselves silenced with a ban. Posters like me >.>


I've been on the internet for a long time, but it only occurred to me now - we don't have freedom of speech in these places? I don't even know if something like this is written in the terms & conditions agreement. Anyone seen this happen before? Don't tell me i'm a minority.

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You're not guaranteed the right to voice whatever you want on a private site. Its not infringing on your "rights". Remember that you agreed to the terms of use when you registered.


Usually threads/posts are censored to keep things civil (look elsewhere if you want to see what happens when this doesn't happen - flame wars galore), and also to protect the site (as in the case of discussing some illegal activites). Of course, the site has the right to moderate anything as they wish, so these aren't always the only reasons.


If you want to see some interesting moderation - take a look at the woot forum product discussion threads. It can be pretty hilarious.

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if you want freedom of speech go somewhere wjere it is accepted but as ethre said most forums have some kind of rules to keep a sane interaction of different believes and opinions

there are forums that are free and where that works but these are usually small boards... large masses of people always need control

but there are also really, well i wouldnt call em fashistic but close, forums around... the egosoft forum is one for example... there you get kicked just cause a mod doesnt like you, or those of most mmorpg if you endanger their pityful moneysucking in public...

just accept it... there is no such thing as freedom of speech... has nothing to do with hitler and co but with the will to stay social and also to keep control to those who are in power... this may be good or bad but it is a fact...

and is not only restricted to the internet... either you censor yourself (like dont say the F word in fron of your mom) or you get censored by the governement like in the patriots act

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Yay, i'm not alone. I'll take all this advice to heart xD - Currently sucking up to GStaff on the official oblivion boards to get my account un-banned, one of the mods thought it was funny (as always there) to put my temporary suspension date one day earlier than the actual time I was banned - Infinite nirvana of ban.


What annoys me most is some moderators lack of consideration, I need to refer to lots of PMs and notes left to me by other people in my inbox, and they prevent me from accessing it. Eh, I'll stop ranting now.

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That would be a wise decision.


It is against the rules to publicly question the actions of a moderator and we don't take kindly to people bringing their problems from other sites and discussing them here (seen as underhanded) and flaming in nature.


As already said, you may have the "right" to freedom of speech but it is NOT on these forums. You can make your own forum and be as free as you like.


You probably should review the Terms of Service and Forum Rules. Talking (and promoting) illegal activity is a quick way to get banned on this site. And yes, if you get banned for breaking the rules, you don't get to use the site (or PM messages) anymore. If you feel the need to be controversial, attack another member or such, be prepared for the consequences.


What annoys me is some members lack of consideration, they break the rules and force me to step in and administer punishment and prevent me from enjoying the site just like everyone else. ;)


FYI - It is spelled Fascism and you might want to review what you are accusing site administrators of being and in case you don't realize it, you are mis-using the word. A forum without rules is a place most people do not care to be. This forum has rules and a large community that appreciates them. Keep in mind that these rules are like police. Everyone likes and enjoys them when they are needed in defense of you or your friends but none enjoy them when they are brought out against your actions. I've lost a few fair-weather friends this way.



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Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. I didn't mean to bring my problems from other forums. Also it's not like i'm coming back to them ever.


It just annoys me a bit that when the mods banned me again (I tried to message them about it) they sent a PM to me, which I can't read as I can't access my inbox. Eh, bad day. I'll get back to modding now, good night.

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