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[LE] Any way to convert spell to magic effect?

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I am planning on making an item that explodes upon doing a certain thing. I want to use the fireball spell effect since that's the closest thing to an explosion.

Is there any way to convert the fireball spell to a standalone magic effect? If that is not possible is there any other way to create a high damage explosion effect?

Any help and advice is appreciated!

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1) There are a couple of ways to create a " High Damage Explosion " but most require scripting, you need to be more specific to what you want to do.


The way you can do this without scripting is very simple :

A) In the " Object Window " write " explosion " and find the " Fireball01ImpactExplosion ", DUPLICATE it and RENAME it.

* You can make your own explosion if you wish, but since you are using it already let's go with this.

B) EDIT it and on the Properties window that will appear tweak the " DAMAGE " and the " IS RADIUS ", the longer the Radius the bigger the " impact surface coverage ", think it as square meters.


* You'll need to create a spell or a Script and use your own " Explosion ", but since i don't actually know what you'll actually do, i can't provide further assistance.


2) All Spells use Magic Effects, so yes.



Edited by maxarturo
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Thank you! By high damage explosion first I meant using J'Zargo Cloak Spell as a magic effect, but that didn't work. I don't wish to use any custom explosion textures/meshes. I want to make a simple potion that upon being placed in the victims pocket after a 2-3 second, explodes (Requires that one perk in the pickpocket skill tree).

Also I want tweak it, since the placing chance is exactly zero (still able to place without NPCs noticing), I may need to reduce the value of it. Anyway I don't mean this mod to be a fully-fledged gameplay changing mod, just some kind of "template" mod that works without any DLC (Not even Dawnguard or Dragonborn), can be used in other mods, if there is need too and doesn't add any other mechanics to the game.

Is there any way making this explosion to a magic effect?

Edited by tothmark0529
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Thank you! I try to look up the Fireball spell properties and use those in the potion.


You may need to clone and modify it somewhat: Magic effects have types that have to match the spell, and potions and fireball have some distinctions (fireball is a fire & forget aimed spell; a potion is generally a fire & forget self one). The J'Zargo scroll explosion effect may be more like what you want.


Adding in a delay is a little more tricky. There's a few approaches; the simplest to my mind would be some scripting on a magic effect in the potion to, instead of putting the explosion effect on the potion proper, simply cast a spell with the explosion you want after the timer runs out. You'd need a custom spell, with a magic effect to define the explosion, a custom potion with a magic effect that has a script attached, and a short script that, on the effect firing, registers for an update in, say, 3 seconds, and then on that update, fires the spell targeting the actor the effect is on.

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Ah, that sounds complicated but I try. I already tried with applying J'Zargo Cloak Spell to the potion, but the results were not what I expected. I could place in anyone pocket, but they were no explosion and only damaging other nearby NPCs and me.

Still would be nice to have some kind of instant kill explosion potion even without a delay.

Also, are these scripts hard to make or not?

Edited by tothmark0529
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foamyesque give you one good possible way to do this.

If you haven't any knowledge on any Programming Language, then it won't be easy, but we all need to start from somewhere...

An other way you can do this is to create your own potion, by "own" i mostly mean an object that has its own "ID" and is used only by your mod, it could be the same vanilla "Healing Potion" with no changes been made to it (just clarifying), and in that potion add a Script that will fire when the potion will be added to the npc's inventory, when the potion is "Placed in Inventory" it will "place" an explosin in the npc's Ref and add a certain amount of damage to the npc or kill him.

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Ah, that sounds complicated but I try. I already tried with applying J'Zargo Cloak Spell to the potion, but the results were not what I expected. I could place in anyone pocket, but they were no explosion and only damaging other nearby NPCs and me.


Still would be nice to have some kind of instant kill explosion potion even without a delay.


Also, are these scripts hard to make or not?


This particular one should not be difficult, no.


scriptname tothExplosionEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect

Spell Property ExplosionSpell Auto
float Property fDelayTime = 3.0 Auto

Actor target
Actor caster

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    target = akTarget
    caster = akCaster

Event OnUpdate()
    ExplosionSpell.Cast(caster, target)


Another possibility would be to set it to fire when the effect *ends*, which would let you use the standard potion durations (eg. how poisons work) to act as your timer. That one would be just this:



scriptname tothExplosionEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect

Spell Property ExplosionSpell Auto

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    ExplosionSpell.Cast(caster, target)
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