McBeanie Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 Both inside and outside of Whiterun I get ridiculous lag spikes, it takes me thirty minutes to walk from Honningbrew Meadery to the town gates. Inside I just get 3-7 minute loading screens and then it runs mostly fine. My specs are: Intel i5 2500K 3.3GHZ1600x900 ResolutionGTX 560 Ti4GB RAM Also, in the intro the gate doesn't open before the two carriages end up colliding and being sent flying through the air doing corkscrews and distant mountains have the yellow texture bug. Here in my modlist: Skyrim.esm Update.esm SkyMoMod.esm JSwords.esm Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm MagicDuel.esm RiverHelm.esm Ultimate Witcher MOD.esm ApachiiHair.esm ApachiiHairFemales.esm RaceCompatibility.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp brawlbug-plugin.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp BardSoundsMalukah.esp Improved Combat Sounds v2.1.esp SkyrimURWL.esp Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Economics of Skyrim.esp Behemoth Dragon.esp Convenient Horses.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp DSpSoB.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Krisan's Children.esp SHARPE Craftsmanship - Made to Order.esp skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp SkyMoMod_lists.esp dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Auto Unequip Arrows.esp DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp Footprints.esp IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp iHUD.esp AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp BloodWitchArmor.esp DCR_Blade_Set.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Insanity's Dragonbane.esp isilnarsil.esp JoOsSkyrimKnightlyArmory.esp JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp kimono's witcher silver swords.esp LordOfWar_TW2.esp matys knights of the nine armor 2.1.esp Matys Mithril armor Enhanced.esp KotN mage.esp Matys Medieval Knights.esp Nouserhere Ears.esp roadsidethief_simple_armor.esp Scoiatael Weapons.esp TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesCommandoArmor.esp W2_HelmetPack.esp W2_HelmetPack-2.esp XAC.esp BecomeKingOfRiverHelm.esp Run For Your Lives.esp no_quest_items.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Proper Aiming.esp BetterQuestObjectives.esp Headtracking.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp VariedGuards.esp Populated Cities 2.esp Open Cities Skyrim.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp RealisticCarryWeight.esp Better Vampires - No DawnGuard.esp EmpoweredMagic.esp SeeYouSleepByMadmole.esp Path of Shadows.esp Duel - Combat Realism.esp ACE Realistic Fighting.esp The Dance of Death.esp ACE Speech.esp ACE Archery.esp ACE Armor.esp ACE Enchanting.esp ACE Magic.esp ACE Melee.esp ACE Smithing.esp ACE Synergy.esp Racial Traits Improved.esp LovelyHairstyles.esp MTOH.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp XCEMwW.esp Dryad Race.esp EpicElves by zzjay.esp LunariRace.esp TemptressVixen.esp SuccubusRace.esp 3DNPC.esp UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp My Home Is Your Home.esp Better Followers - SBP.esp Better NPC - Faction Pack.esp Ultimate Witcher Experience - Follower Geralt.esp Ultimate Witcher Experience - Follower Iorveth.esp ultimate witcher Experiance - Followers.esp Ulyimate Witcher Exerience - Follower Triss.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp First Person Messages.esp ASIS-Dependency.esp ASIS.esp BuryTheDead.esp EliteKnightArmor.esp EmpoweredMagic_Dawnguard.esp JoOsSkyrimKnightlyArmoryCheat.esp SleekSteel_StandAlone.esp (TWE) Dandelion NPC.esp (TWE) Nilfgaardian Sorcerer Pack.esp (TWE) Riften Brothel..esp ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2819235User Posted September 29, 2012 Share Posted September 29, 2012 Try starting the game in vanilla just to see if its a mod screwing with you. A horse mod will screw up your intro.Lag in this game is usually graphical. Try reducing your screen size settings and/or remove any hi rez texturemods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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