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Vilja Companion


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How do I install the BSA file? when I click on it winzip unpacks it so I see all the files inside. I have got OBMM so I tried to copy it to the R side of OBMMt does show inside my Data folder as a oblivion icon and I can actually talk with her in the tavern when i go there (using alternate start) I can access her stats but on close and try to reopen the dialogue she just moves away and it reverts back to prior both just stood facing

I am on Win 7 and after install I have to move the Oblivion folder to 'Games' . When I try to install the patch it cant find it






Thanks for any help

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The simplest way is to download manually to either a folder you create or to your desktop. When it's done downloading extract it using 7-Zip (it will by default extract to wherever you saved the download). You will now see a file called 1em_Vilja.bsa. Right mouse click the file and select 'Copy' from the right click menu. Now navigate to your game install Oblivion\Data folder and right click on the Data folder. Select paste from the right click menu. Fire up the game and go and meet Vilja.
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The simplest way is to download manually to either a folder you create or to your desktop. When it's done downloading extract it using 7-Zip (it will by default extract to wherever you saved the download). You will now see a file called 1em_Vilja.bsa. Right mouse click the file and select 'Copy' from the right click menu. Now navigate to your game install Oblivion\Data folder and right click on the Data folder. Select paste from the right click menu. Fire up the game and go and meet Vilja.



I found a problem with 7zip,now corrected, so I do have and can see both Vilja's esp and the bsa, both in my 'Data' folder. I also have the alternative start there but I neither have Vilja nor the new start from the ship. They are all activated in OBMM and the play 'Data

So three times now I've had to go thro' the normal start to find if she has appeared. I am so frustrated now



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The simplest way is to download manually to either a folder you create or to your desktop. When it's done downloading extract it using 7-Zip (it will by default extract to wherever you saved the download). You will now see a file called 1em_Vilja.bsa. Right mouse click the file and select 'Copy' from the right click menu. Now navigate to your game install Oblivion\Data folder and right click on the Data folder. Select paste from the right click menu. Fire up the game and go and meet Vilja.




Yes, I have done all of that!!

I'll try again tho' maybe 6th time lucky don't know why this is like this never had problems in the past , about 5 years ago then I went to live in germany now back in the Uk. Thanks for all your patience. Although I'm not up to modding I do know my way around re the things you suggest.




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Another avenue to investigate is how you did this part ...

after install I have to move the Oblivion folder to 'Games'


Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if anything mentioned there rings a bell as something you did differently or missed doing.

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Hi Steinbeck,


A couple of questions regarding your problem. When I read the first post, I get the impression that you have met Vilja in the Bloated Float but that you cannot talk to her. But when I read later posts I get the impression that she isn't there at all.


If she isn't there at all: have you ensured that you have patched your Oblivion to the latest version? Else, mods that like Vilja have been done with the latest patch won't show up.


If she is there but do not have normal dialogue: Are you using the Companion Share and Recruit add-on Faction Recruitments? That mod will affect Vilja as well as several other custom companions badly, as they will "adopt" the dialog from Faction Recruitments. There is however a solution for this - download this patch by Amgepo and everything should work just fine.


Btw, does her quest start? You should get a message about a girl in the Bloated Float a little while after you have left the sewers, or latest when you arrive at Waterfront. If her quest for some reason hasn't started (I can't imagine what the reason would be, though, as it should always start before you enter the Bloated Float) she won't have the correct dialog.

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Hi Steinbeck,


A couple of questions regarding your problem. When I read the first post, I get the impression that you have met Vilja in the Bloated Float but that you cannot talk to her. But when I read later posts I get the impression that she isn't there at all.


If she isn't there at all: have you ensured that you have patched your Oblivion to the latest version? Else, mods that like Vilja have been done with the latest patch won't show up.


If she is there but do not have normal dialogue: Are you using the Companion Share and Recruit add-on Faction Recruitments? That mod will affect Vilja as well as several other custom companions badly, as they will "adopt" the dialog from Faction Recruitments. There is however a solution for this - download this patch by Amgepo and everything should work just fine.


Btw, does her quest start? You should get a message about a girl in the Bloated Float a little while after you have left the sewers, or latest when you arrive at Waterfront. If her quest for some reason hasn't started (I can't imagine what the reason would be, though, as it should always start before you enter the Bloated Float) she won't have the correct dialog.




Emma hello and what an amazing girl you have created.

I did have her installed + some other small mods and the alternative start on Wednesday Everything going wonderfully. Then I told my grandson I would put 'Oblivion' on his PC. Coming home after shopping I found he had tried to take 'MY' game off my Pc and completely ruined it.

So, I un-installed Oblivion +all the mods and OBMM. I tried to do it all over again as before but I'm getting the problems you see.I have no idea what to do next.

I have now started and restarted the game several times now since Wednesday afternoon ,trying different approaches to the problems. I am on a Win 7 Laptop but it hasn't been a problem before. It is a patched version as you said. to I think it is.


By the way I kept hearing Vilja(who I have fallen in love with) telling me,( I thought,) that she came from Soltau which is not far from where I lived up to last September . Lived there almost 6 years in Bad Fallingbostel which is 1 hours drive from Hannover north.


Thanks for your input and hope we chat again



ps I have uninstalled it all again and will try tomorrow. I also can't get the new start to activate + one or two othewrs which are straightforward esp.s

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If you do not reinstall to exactly the same place, the entries in the Windows registry will cause it to not work when reinstalled. To fix that you MUST completely uninstall before attempting to reinstall. Then, if you are installing from a DVD you must patch the game,


The most common mistake is NOT rebooting both just before and just after running the registry cleaner.


This is all covered in my complete reinstall - the latest version is in my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.


Then you will probably need to reinstall OBSE also. be sure you test the vanilla game before patching, and before adding any mods.


If I remember correctly, Vilja doesn't appear in game immediately.

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If you do not reinstall to exactly the same place, the entries in the Windows registry will cause it to not work when reinstalled. To fix that you MUST completely uninstall before attempting to reinstall. Then, if you are installing from a DVD you must patch the game,


The most common mistake is NOT rebooting both just before and just after running the registry cleaner.


This is all covered in my complete reinstall - the latest version is in my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.


Then you will probably need to reinstall OBSE also. be sure you test the vanilla game before patching, and before adding any mods.


If I remember correctly, Vilja doesn't appear in game immediately.




Sorry for delay posting back. First, thanks for your input, I have d/l your posts on these issues. I have taken Oblivion off and just gone with 'regedit.exe' 'CCleaner' used search and there is no trace of the game except OBMM and various docs'. So I shall install again later. and see what happens. This time I shall leave it in my Programmes folder instead of moving to my Games folder.. Fingers crossed!! I have Win 7 on my laptop.

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When you re-install the game do yourself a favour and install in C:\Games ... it will save a lot of headaches once you start adding mods. Your failure with C:\Games before was likely related to how you moved the game there (i.e. no registry cleaning after uninstalling).


- Edit - On the subject of when Vilja appears, you'll get a message about a rumour you heard about a Nord girl needing help shortly after you exit the sewers.

Edited by Striker879
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