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Vilja Companion


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When you re-install the game do yourself a favour and install in C:\Games ... it will save a lot of headaches once you start adding mods. Your failure with C:\Games before was likely related to how you moved the game there (i.e. no registry cleaning after uninstalling).


- Edit - On the subject of when Vilja appears, you'll get a message about a rumour you heard about a Nord girl needing help shortly after you exit the sewers.



When I install to G:\Games, BSE can't find it, But I think you are probably right in what you say. I shall let you know what happens. I need her back, got withdrawal symptons.



With her , I felt bad not being able to answer some of her remarks etc. Pity there is no dialogue other than the commands.



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Hi Steinbeck,


A couple of questions regarding your problem. When I read the first post, I get the impression that you have met Vilja in the Bloated Float but that you cannot talk to her. But when I read later posts I get the impression that she isn't there at all.


If she isn't there at all: have you ensured that you have patched your Oblivion to the latest version? Else, mods that like Vilja have been done with the latest patch won't show up.


If she is there but do not have normal dialogue: Are you using the Companion Share and Recruit add-on Faction Recruitments? That mod will affect Vilja as well as several other custom companions badly, as they will "adopt" the dialog from Faction Recruitments. There is however a solution for this - download this patch by Amgepo and everything should work just fine.


Btw, does her quest start? You should get a message about a girl in the Bloated Float a little while after you have left the sewers, or latest when you arrive at Waterfront. If her quest for some reason hasn't started (I can't imagine what the reason would be, though, as it should always start before you enter the Bloated Float) she won't have the correct dialog.




Emma hello and what an amazing girl you have created.

I did have her installed + some other small mods and the alternative start on Wednesday Everything going wonderfully. Then I told my grandson I would put 'Oblivion' on his PC. Coming home after shopping I found he had tried to take 'MY' game off my Pc and completely ruined it.

So, I un-installed Oblivion +all the mods and OBMM. I tried to do it all over again as before but I'm getting the problems you see.I have no idea what to do next.

I have now started and restarted the game several times now since Wednesday afternoon ,trying different approaches to the problems. I am on a Win 7 Laptop but it hasn't been a problem before. It is a patched version as you said. to I think it is.


By the way I kept hearing Vilja(who I have fallen in love with) telling me,( I thought,) that she came from Soltau which is not far from where I lived up to last September . Lived there almost 6 years in Bad Fallingbostel which is 1 hours drive from Hannover north.


Thanks for your input and hope we chat again



ps I have uninstalled it all again and will try tomorrow. I also can't get the new start to activate + one or two othewrs which are straightforward esp.s



Hi Don,


I read in another post in another thread that you got Vilja working again, so I take it the trouble-shooting is over?


Glad to her that you enjoy her so much. And I find it quite amazing tha grandfather and grandson are sharing their Oblivion-material :).


The place Vilja comes from is Solstheim, which is a part of Vvardenfell, where also Morrowind (with the city of Vivec) belongs. But I agree that it sounds a bit like Soltau :).


Btw, there is a help- and supportthread for Vilja here - it's probably the place where you fastest get response to questions about Vilja. :)

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Hi Steinbeck,


A couple of questions regarding your problem. When I read the first post, I get the impression that you have met Vilja in the Bloated Float but that you cannot talk to her. But when I read later posts I get the impression that she isn't there at all.


If she isn't there at all: have you ensured that you have patched your Oblivion to the latest version? Else, mods that like Vilja have been done with the latest patch won't show up.


If she is there but do not have normal dialogue: Are you using the Companion Share and Recruit add-on Faction Recruitments? That mod will affect Vilja as well as several other custom companions badly, as they will "adopt" the dialog from Faction Recruitments. There is however a solution for this - download this patch by Amgepo and everything should work just fine.


Btw, does her quest start? You should get a message about a girl in the Bloated Float a little while after you have left the sewers, or latest when you arrive at Waterfront. If her quest for some reason hasn't started (I can't imagine what the reason would be, though, as it should always start before you enter the Bloated Float) she won't have the correct dialog.









Emma hello and what an amazing girl you have created.

I did have her installed + some other small mods and the alternative start on Wednesday Everything going wonderfully. Then I told my grandson I would put 'Oblivion' on his PC. Coming home after shopping I found he had tried to take 'MY' game off my Pc and completely ruined it.

So, I un-installed Oblivion +all the mods and OBMM. I tried to do it all over again as before but I'm getting the problems you see.I have no idea what to do next.

I have now started and restarted the game several times now since Wednesday afternoon ,trying different approaches to the problems. I am on a Win 7 Laptop but it hasn't been a problem before. It is a patched version as you said. to I think it is.


By the way I kept hearing Vilja(who I have fallen in love with) telling me,( I thought,) that she came from Soltau which is not far from where I lived up to last September . Lived there almost 6 years in Bad Fallingbostel which is 1 hours drive from Hannover north.


Thanks for your input and hope we chat again



ps I have uninstalled it all again and will try tomorrow. I also can't get the new start to activate + one or two othewrs which are straightforward esp.s



Hi Don,


I read in another post in another thread that you got Vilja working again, so I take it the trouble-shooting is over?


Glad to her that you enjoy her so much. And I find it quite amazing tha grandfather and grandson are sharing their Oblivion-material :).


The place Vilja comes from is Solstheim, which is a part of Vvardenfell, where also Morrowind (with the city of Vivec) belongs. But I agree that it sounds a bit like Soltau :).


Btw, there is a help- and supportthread for Vilja here - it's probably the place where you fastest get response to questions about Vilja. :)



My 'happy' was shortlived, Although far view was as normal and cities ok too, the area immediately surrounding the city was purplish? I had tried alternative start so thought that may be it. Deactivated it thro' OBMM and ended up with only Vilja activated. made no difference, still purply. Now uninstalled again, will install using OBMM as omods one mod at a time.



I also have Morrowind +all extras

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Before you install any mods, just patch the game to version 1.2.0416 (the latest) and then do the tutorial dungeon. Just before you exit the sewers (at the point where you can see the exit in the distance) make a save. That will be your save for creating a new character without having to do the whole tutorial again. Exit the sewer and make another save (this one will be your 'base save' for that character). If everything looks all right go to the Market District of the IC at a busy time of the day. Make another save (this will be your 'testing save'). Then you can start adding mods, one at a time and testing in between.


On the subject of saving ... never use quicksave, it's a known corrupter of save files. Use either the save from the Esc menu or named saves using the console command 'save <YourSaveNameHere>' (without the quotes and brackets of course). I have left autosave enabled myself (though there are those who advocate disabling it) as it's never given me a problem of crashing the game. I generally try to save every hour or so, and if I do get a CTD I'll only use a more recent autosave if doing so will mean I won't lose more progress than I'm willing to lose if I use my last save. About the only time I get much in the way of crashes is when I'm being Mr SmartAlec with the 'resurrect 1' and 'moveto player' commands (setting up battles between bandits, marauders, conjurers and necromancers ... a favourite of mine). The bound weapons summoned by the necros and conjurers are to blame when I do that along side the NPCs Yield mod.


Good luck ... third time's the charm.


- Edit - Your purple textures make me wonder if your hardware is being detected correctly. Maybe you're using the wrong shader.

Edited by Striker879
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All understtod. Why didn't I think of the 'saves' as you suggest. I suppose because I have never had these problems before, I played Oblivion a lot before I went to Germany. Only been back in UK for 6 months.


That Vilja girl is surely addictive, Just got to have her on board. Skyrim arrived today.

Thanks again for your help




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She does grow on you. In my new guy's game I haven't hooked up with her yet (he got tangled with the Dark Brotherhood when doing the Hackdirt quest ... a bit of 'collateral damage' ... and I don't want to get her involved). Now I find it hard to play his game when I have my old guy, and they've been together long enough to know what the other's going to do.
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Is this your purple problem?


Purple ground with repeating tiny maps of the Imperial City


This is caused by corrupted shaders.

Here is a link to replace them without having to reinstall


Thanks to Qwaxalot for this tip

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