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Add tags to block content.


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I would like to see the ability to block custom tags in the block content page. The specific reason for this is companion mods. I don't want to see companion mods, so i would like to filter them out automatically. If performance/whatever is an issue, perhaps limiting the amount of custom tags that can be blocked?


Any support for this?

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How would this custom tags system work?

You create a new tag, all's fine and dandy, but no mods will be tagged with it, yet.

Are you going to go through millions of mods adding those new tags where you see fit, so your new filter will actually filter something?

Or are you expecting others to do that for you, and everybody else who came up with some random imagined custom tag of his/her own as well?


By now even the existing tags are only rarely used with most mods. There is no requirement to tag a mod when uploading, and quite frankly there shouldn't be either. There are a bunch of voluntary taggers or people who stumble across the mod, like it, and add votes for tags where they see them missing. But do you really expect others to do that for a gazillion of new custom tags everybody and their mother came up with without even a trail of explanation what it's meant for?


If so, it sounds like another feature also requested a while ago would come in more handy here, a block list.

You will have to edit/add every single mod that's uploaded yourself first anyways before it'll not show up on your search results anymore, so putting each mod you don't want to come up in searches into your personal block list would take exactly the same amount of work.


Both solutions aren't really feasible. That's likely why the block list idea was never taken up either.


I know many people have types of mods, or mods by certain authors even, which they don't want to show up in their search results, but the way the tagging and tag filter system works on this site you could as well name your tag "L9AK9E doesn't like it!", as you will have to "hand-tag" every single mod you don't want to show up in your search results "yourself" anyways.

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I wouldn't rely on other people to tag things correctly, when I've gone to tag things and I've found some bizarre entries. A mod I made that added idles to companions had been tagged by several people as a video, I assume that's because there is a video in the description. Blocking things could mean you miss out on things that may actually be of interest, anyway its not like scrolling a webpage is back breaking work.
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To some degree, it would work. Companion is an actual category, so i imagine that all mods in there are already tagged? A possible reason for the lack of tagging is that there is very little reason to do it. Also, i was under the impression that it is easy for users to tag mods now? 3 concurring tags or something? The advantage of blocking tags over a block list is that by making it available to others, it promotes a community effort, and makes your work available to others. (Admittedly, i probably wouldn't tag my mod if all the tags did was block content.)


DraketheDragon, most of what you're saying is pointing out the flaws of the tagging system.


I don't have any particular ideas on how to fix this, except to reward users/modders when they tag stuff (correctly). A simple way of doing this might be to make using tags more common.


I mostly look at "Recent Uploads", so hence my motivation for wanting to block content, rather than using the tag search.

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The tag system will only work if YOU help us to tag the mods. If no one bothers to tag, then it can't work. There are thousands of mods that were uploaded long before the tagging was implemented that need tagging.


Just tag a few that you look at every day - if you, and hundreds of other members help with tagging it will work much better. :thumbsup:

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