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Fix Landsmeet for HFN marrying Alistair


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It would seem to me that there has to be a better way for the HFN to marry Alistair besides just blurting it out in the middle of the Landsmeet. And for the romantics out there we totally get cheated out of any kind of proposal.


IMHO it should have worked out something like this: if you want to marry Alistair for political or even political/romantic reasons you have to talk to him about it before the landsmeet. Instead of suggesting he marry Anora, suggest he marry you (take some of post landsmeet conversation and have it before). Then at the Landsmeet right before the vote, have someone say something about how Alistair has no experience, then you can say that you will rule beside him, and that should also get you a point for winning the landsmeet (and for equality's sake you could do the same if he is going to marry Anora, which should also get you the point.) The rest of the landsmeet plays out like any other origin.


Now if you don't do that and then Alistair is king, you get the breakup conversation in which you have to pass the persuation checks. If you have a hardened Alistair, HFN with whom he is in love, and pass the two checks then after the "do what I want and marry who I want" and "can you forgive me" comments there could be an extra line where you ask him what he wants and he then proposes. Now I know that it would have to be recycled dialogue, but given that it is an imprompto proposal the awkward wording could work. Wouldn't have to be long but something, anything would be better than it is.


I know nothing about modding or I would try to fix it myself. But am willing to help in anyway to get this done. I hate this almost as much as the Fade! Thanks.

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I agree completely. Although Alistair's surprise that my Cousland wants to marry him when they're in the relationship is cute, there is so much potential for a more romantic proposal. And I love the idea of them actually talking about it before hand. I'd do this if I were more experienced with the Toolset, but I'm still getting used to making simple armors.
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I only got the game on pc a couple months ago and have just now figured out to install all the mods I want. I am temped to learn how to use the toolset if for no other reason than to fix this and perhaps a few others such things. I am surprised however that someone hasn't done something like this, in that a lot of people marry Alistair and like I said it isn't the most romantic thing ever. My big concern would be making it IRS-A compatible, since I love that mod and can't do without it. I am hoping that someone who know what they are doing can do so, but if not maybe I will be inspired enough to try. If you ever are considering giving it a whirl, let me know. I will do whatever I can to help.


p.s. one other such thing I would like to fix is the ritual converation. I know, one of the best in the game, Alistair's response to telling him about the child, is priceless. But outside of one opportunity to tell him you love him, the conversation is the same for someone in a relaitonship with him and someone with high approval. I would think there could be a more romantic-oriented dialogue option there given what you are asking him to do, imo.

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  • 2 years later...

There is a proposal mod out there but it's very choppy. I think the proposal could occur after the Landsmeet, either in Alistair's room at Redcliffe or return to party camp for a cutscene. Not an easy fix but would be a nice mod

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