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How Should I Install Pfusher's Textures?


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A modder named "Pfusher" has made many different Skyrim texture packs. These go from 2014 all the way to 2019. I need someone to explain me which of them should I install and which ones to overwrite with which ones for the best results possible. I'm using LE version of the game.


The latest file of the type that I'm looking for, that has been uploaded by the author is named "Skyrim 2019". The description says "Skyrim 2019 - Improved Landscapes(so far)" and "Every pack is a stand alone.
The year is just a "name". So please use every year if you liked it.". Okay. So it's obvious that this file changes only landscapes and that I need to download something else then, right? Following the description, I started to look for the files with years in their names. These go from 2016 (That seems to be unfinished judging from the title.) to 2019 (Rest seems to be finished.). Weird thing is that 2017 and 2018 seem to be unique to SE and don't have LE versions. Author had somewhere mentioned that when it comes to the textures, everything should work in between of the games but what I find suspicious is that 2019 version actually has a separate LE page. Can I use SE 2017 and 2018 with LE then? Description of 2017 says: "Textures for everything". Wait, so does that mean that the 2016 is obsolete if 2017 has already covered "EVERYTHING"? Why isn't it mentioned in the 2019 description then? The last thing is that the mod from 2014 that I have mentioned is also altering landscape. It is named "4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher". And despite being originally uploaded in 2014, it has been lastly updated in... 2019? What? Should I use it as well then?


I don't understand anything from what the author claims. Descriptions are written in weird and chaotic manner and I have absolutely no idea, what should I do. Can someone please tell me, which of these files am I supposed to install and which file should overwrite which file?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's nearly impossible to answer your question because when it comes to texture mods there simply doesn't exist something like "do this for the best results". Textures are always a matter of taste. So you won't come around to test them by yourself and decide what textures you prefer. Pretty laborious thing by the way.


I know this modder and I really appreciate his work. But yes his work flow can be a little bit "volatile". He often retexures the same thing more than once.


Most of his older mods for LE will work for SE and vice versa. BUT his newer textures that were released for the SE have a compression format that only works for the SE.


Good luck!

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Alright. So by "Best Results" I just mean the latest of his textures. I guess that in case of LE I should exclude 2017 and 2018 versions, yes? Or by "newer" you mean only 2019 SE version that I'm not going to install anyway and I actually should use 2017 and 2018 despite them being made for SE?


So knowing that I just want the "Latest Files Possible" setup that will include all of the retextures (By that I of course mean that in case of the ones that are being repeated, they will use the latest versions. I just want to have everything that he has ever covered with any mod, covered in one way or another. ) and that I don't want to waste disk space (By that I mean - if 2017 has covered "EVERYTHING" from his past work, is there anything from 2016 or the first 4K mod that somehow wasn't covered in 2017? "EVERYTHING" from his past work is a pretty ridiculous claim looking at the file size. ), I should install the retextures like this:


1 - 4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher,

2 - Skyrim 2016 WIP by Pfuscher,

3 - Skyrim 2017 Textures by Pfuscher (There's only SE version. ),

4 - Skyrim 2018 by Pfuscher (There's only SE version. ),

5 - Skyrim 2019 (LE version obviously. ).


OR I should skip some of the files because of the incompatibility with LE OR I should skip some of the files because of adding nothing in case of 2017 containing "EVERYTHING" OR I should change the order of installing them (4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher has been lastly updated in 2019 despite 2014 being the year of the original upload. I want the newest of his textures and it makes me confused. ).


I'm not going to waste my time on trying every possible way of mixing these mods. I just want to use his absolutely latest work without wasting too much disk space and without any incompatibilities. Talk to me like to a 12 year old, okay? Give me the order of installing his mods in the way in which I won't waste disk space, in which I won't cause any incompatibilities and in which I'll use his absolutely latest textures. That's what I meant from he very beginning. Thank you.

Edited by ResetSchizoid
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To give you the advice you want I would have to do exactly the kind of time-consuming and troublesome work by myself that you said you won't waste your time for.


Unless Pfuscher himself won't give an advice it would take countless hours to compare all these mods with each other and and arrange a proper install order.


I cannot give you any other advice so I'm out.

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Jesusf*#@ingChrist but you did say something about these being compatible or not, yes? Can you at least say if 2017 and 2018 are good for use? If you have used them, you for sure know if 2017 contains everything or not too. Maybe you at least heard something about some of the mods being severely out of date? Can you at least answer these questions instead of giving meaningless, cryptic responses in order to avoid being any helpful with the actual problem? Is it time consuming to just me what you already know? What you already have to know if you were using these? Tell me what you have already told me but in a way that gives me any information.














I don't f*#@ing want you to check these mods for me just tell me basic stuff. I don't even know which I can Install and your response is too cryptic to tell despite you sound like you know it and think that's obvious. You probably did use Skyrim 2017, yes? Remember it altering majority of textures from 2016 or 4K Parallax or no? That's a YES or NO question as well any other from the mentioned.





Just write me a response like "YES" "NO" "NO" dammit.

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Yeah. Probably because there are many messages here because of your pointless bullshit. Anyway, Pfusher responded to me in private messages and I have my answer. I'll quote him here for people that don't want to waste time on people like you.


Oh lol, I actually have no clue about my LE mods anymore ^^
So let's have a look. I did make a 2019 for LE, didn't remember that.

Ok this changes everything.
2019 = landscape folder without terrain parallax
Then there are a lot of different mods time wise. Those are nice texture upgrades and stuff
And Skyrim 2016 which contains a lot, but not the stuff done after that.
And then there is of course my terrain parallax mod, if you use that. It isn't complete, so I would recommend using tamriel reloaded terrain parallax stuff and overwrite it with my terrain parallax mod

2016 as base
overwrite with stuff after that
overwrite with 2019

Or if you got terrain parallax, which everybody with enough vram should have
Then it's tamriel reloaded terrain parallax ONLY THE landscape folder, overwrite with my terrain parallax and don't use 2019.
Because I was too lazy to create terrain parallax for 2019. Which is kinda sad, because it would be the best landscape mod for LE


That's what he has responded. In the same day in which I have asked the question.


Good day to anyone with same problem and slightly worse to you, Novem!

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Contacting him was my first thought, really. Just unlike some people I don't want to waste time of others when it's not absolutely nessesary. I'm pretty sure that there are many people that could answer too. The thread was just too long because of many messages because of you deciding to be a smartass instead of helpful that forced me to repeat myself two times but in slightly different wording. People thought that someone is just actually trying to help and ignored the topic assuming that the issue will be shortly resolved. Only things that you have accomplished here is forcing me to repeat myself and proving that you are one of the people that prefer to look smart instead of acting smart.

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