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CTD when playing on high resolution


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Hi , I actually have sufficent hardware to play on high resolution , the fps seems also good and I don't have staggering.

I have a pentium I 5 4GB windows 7 32 bit , a GTX 460 v2 GPU, which should actually run on high , I use mods , but no graphic mods , the mods I install using mod manager and boss . They are not the reason < I think , because on med res. I don't have any problems . My doubts are , does Skyrim 1.7.7 automatically use the 4GB , does it make sense to install an additional 4gb .

I am also thinking about changing my graphics card to a raedon 7970 3 GB , to be theoratically be able to run everything on max. Any help is welcome , on what could be the problem and what could improve the performance , T hanks in advance

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If you are running Windows 32-bit, your computer will not use more than 3GB RAM tops, regardless of how much you have installed. I don't know if your computer would support the GPU you mentioned, so I can't help you there.


For basic graphics performance/improvement tweaks, have you looked at the Geforce Skyrim tweak guide? Also, RookieNoob's guide does a good job at explaining how various tweaks affect quality/performance for both low and high end computers.

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Yes, I agree with Georgiegril. Getting a new GPU is not as simple as you think, replace one thing and you might need to replace another. No-one ever seems to consider their motherboard - sure your motherboard would support that GPU, and what sort of PSU do you have? I have just had my gaming rig tank in spectacular fashion due to an electrical spike which damaged the CPU and the PSU, what that meant in effect was that I also have to replace the MOBO for compatibiity with the new CPU, you see what I mean? Replace one part and you might have to replace a lot more.


Could do with far more precise specs, including motherboard and PSU and the exact model of your CPU - you confuse me as to what it is but I think you mean it is a core i5?

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Pentium I5? the I series arent pentium cpus they are from the core series, and yeah as georgie said, without 64 bit it dosent matter how much ram you have installed itll only use 3, however that probaly wouldnt be the problem, what MB do you have?
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Thanks for all the answers , you maybe noticed that I am not the most informed computer user , My CPU is an intel core I 5- 2500 3,3ghz quad , A friend of mine will first install the 64 bit version and some extra Ram , he knows a lot about this , and he will be able what works together and what not , than I will see what my motherboard is able to support , maybe just changing the windows allready resolves some of my problems . Thanks again
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