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All NPCs wear underwear (to work with CBBE V3 )


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I was thinking, this is good, I like the CBBE v3 and being able to strip my wife naked before we go to bed, helps with role play and immersion. But when I strip a corpse of their valuable armor I'd expect them to be at least wearing underwear under that armor, they can't be that poor if they're wearing a 1000 to 2000 gold piece of armor. :D So the mod would add, to all the NPCs, and the PC, underwear appropriate for their gender (so boxers or briefs for men, panties and bras for women) and have them wear them under their clothing / armor, so when they get stripped of their outer clothing / armor they're still covered up. But if you are relaxing at home after a hard day of slaughtering dragons and bandits (or innocent people if you are Dark Brotherhood. :D ) you can strip it all off, have your favorite House Carl / mate get naked, and crawl into bed for some Lover's Comfort. (Note: No need to do an adult mod that does *that*, given time I am sure someone will give Skyrim the FO:NV treatment. >.< I am *only* talking about the clothing layers here, nothing else. ) :D I think that would help with immersion, but I don't see the mod as having been done yet. Anyone up for the task? :D
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