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Are there ANY (good) fist weapon mods for SSE?


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I can't seem to find a single mod that adds a fist weapon that increases the abysmal range of unarmed. The one mod I found was wolverine claws, but the stats are ridiculous and the unsheathing of them costs some ridiculous number like 800 hp. The other mods I've found simply add gloves that increase fist damage, and there is already The Gloves Of the Pugilist in the base game.

I've heard of a claw mod for oldrim but I just can't find anything similar for SSE that is reasonably balanced.

I know its possible to port an oldrim mod for my personal use, but is that my only option?

Does anyone have a link to a good SSE fist weapon mod? Am I just blind?


Appreciate any help.

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Dunno if this helps, but I downloaded Animated Armoury awhile back. It adds claws (along with pikes, quarter staffs, rapiers, and halberds) with their accompanying animations to the game. If you only want the claws, you can even toggle off the other weapons in the included MCM.


Videos showcasing each weapon are also there. The animations are only visible in third-person, but they are still very nice.
If this is the mod you are looking for, remember to download the patches for Heavy Armoury and Immersive Weapons if you use them too. Should go without saying, but FNIS and SKSE are needed to run the mod, and SkyUI for the MCM.

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