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You know you've played too much Morrowind when...


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...when you go to your local swimming batsh and when you step off the edge into the water your suprised you fell in because you could of swoar your used Water Walking.


...when you go to the hardware store to get your house key cut and you ask them to enchant it with 100 Security Kill.


...when your trainers begin to wear down so you get a mallet out of the tool box to fix them.


...when you leave your home on a morning to go to school and as you shut the door you say 'Mark' then at the end of the day when you step out of school you say 'recall' and you wonder why the hell aren't I at home.


...you go to the local park looking for egg mines.


The water walking and mark + recall ones i've actually done lol :D

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you know you have played too much morrowind when:


you menatlly try to "save" your life b4 doing something risky, incase it doesnt go well......

I actually almost did that once :D plus I had quite a strange urge to take screenshots with my eyes for a second...


Definately had been playing way too much then. ;P

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strange urge to take screenshots with my eyes for a second...


That happens to me every time I see something I want to take picture of and I don't have my digital camera with me. Unfortunately, it never works. :(

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When you seriously plan on going out in the real world and taking pictures of plants that look similar to MW plants and then posting a website with all the pics!!
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you`ve played too much when you start calling gatorades a restore fatigue potion


after you eat a piece of bread you say damn it has no effect on me

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