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You know you've played too much Morrowind when...


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(another one I did, well i guess i already did most all of the ones i posted) when you are convincing your cousin to just buy Morrowind instead of playing yours and wish you had a better Speechcraft skill. after he says he doesnt have quite enough money yet you tell him maybe if your Mercantile skill is high enough you can haggle him down a bit on the price. then i though about telling him of the corpe northwest of Seyda Neen that has 200 gold on him, but then i snapped back to reality.
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When you're picking your friend up in your car and you say, "why walk when you can ride?"


When you walk up to druggies at your school and ask them if they have any skooma or moon sugar.


You wonder why when people see roadkill all they do is run over it and make it worse. All they have to do is go up to it and click "dispose of corpse."

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  • 3 weeks later...

when you call your cat ajira

when you think you can levitate instead of walking stears

when you forgot your house key and try to consoll command the skelleton key

when you've forgotten to study for your test and try typing in player->setintelligence 100

when u try to echant your pen with a fortify intelligence

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You know you've played too much Everquest when...


you hold 2 pencils in class and say "hey look! im duel wielding!"


You hail people when you walk up to them


You call short people Halflings


You realize you've been in your room for 48 hours straight


You say that getting through school is your epic quest


You are fat from all those sandwitches your mom brings you


You ask for SOWs constantly in RL

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Eiade, *points at the report feature* old Hell Bird's been going a bit trigger happy with the strikings for vigilantes, I'd be careful :P


But yes, you have a point. This isn't really funny anymore, it's just getting spammy.



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