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[Need Help] Changing the color of a spell nif


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Hi all,

You guys are my last bastion. I have been trying to find an answer to this everywhere and I just can'T seem to getit. However, I really need it for the next update of my Royal Bloodline mod.

I want to change the color of the Ward spell from being blue to red. I know that it gets governed by the "wardbodyfx" mesh but if I open it with Nifskope I can't seem to find which color property or texture to change. Anybody fiured that out?

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Well I repaced the texxture for the colorcontroller property with my one (though I am not quite sure if I saved the dds. correctly, I shoose DXT1 w. Alpha). Anyway just tried it and that didn'T do the trick :/


Edit: Nevermind that is teh right property and the right texture to mess with. i mixed up the the filename's spelling -.-

Edited by xyks
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Alriight, this is definately the right teture to go. I modified it. However now the Spell effect is just a big white plate. I assume that is because somehow the aplha channel is messed up but I don'T know how I need to compress my custom texture.








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