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Weirdest CTD I have ever gotten.


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Okay so everytime I start up Oblivion, I get a black screen, nothing happens. at all. just a black screen. then I return to desktop. There are NO crash reports. Meaning nothing pops out, as though nothing even happened.

Oblivion used to work perfectly but after I installed these mods:

Kvatch Rebuilt

Ranokoas City Stealth Exits

Going Rouge

Choroll v2

Raiven Mining Village mod and

the Imperial Guard Mod Part 3 of 4.


I get these weird ctds. I tried disabling them 1 by 1 but none of them seem to cause it.

My computer can run Oblivion fine. I was playing it 10 hours straight this morning/afternoon but only after I install these mods it seems to f*** up.

PS enabling and disabling oblivion.esm didnt seem to work.

Due to all the mods I have, my data list is filled to the brim.

Screenshots of mods enabled here: http://gyazo.com/990d1c140ade80450ae0c64c638372b3 http://gyazo.com/91aeca3a55e6f82b5986b6a91dd15760


Im an oblivion addict. I need help with this. fast. plz.

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First, do NOT disable Oblivion.esm, it is absolutely required.


Second, do not use OBMM to order your mods, only for installing them. Close OBMM and use BOSS to sort your load order, and create a Bashed Patch. If you are unfamiliar with Wrye Bash, read this tutorial.

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