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Bugged Bow Zoom


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I have decided to start a new playthrough and I have gotten to the stage where I can pick the zoom option for archery, however when hold the right mouse button to zoom the camera rapidly zooms in and out which completely defeats the object of choosing this perk :wacko:


Has anybody heard of this bug associated with the vanilla game or if this could be the cause of a mod? Here is a list of mods that I can only assume may make any kind of changes that would affect this,


- Player Headtracking

- Tytanis

- Weapons and Armour Fixes

- ACE Combat Skills


I have plenty more mods active but I know enough to be able to cancel most of them out, any help would be greatly appreciated :thumbsup:


EDIT: FYI I have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch active

Edited by Ironman5000
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