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Skyrim loads for minutes between transit and freezes - after I downloa


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If anybody can help me, I would be so grateful - I spend more time waiting for it to load or unfreeze than actually gaming.


The problem started after I downloaded the latest patch, installed high def texture pack and Dawnguard. I had 18 mods installed when I did this. I'll list them below. After I started the game, it immediately started to lag, freeze and take minutes to load every time I transported, either by map or door.


I started looking for answers on the net, and saw many people had similar problems - but never the same. After suggestions on several forums I minimized my saves and I deleted and unsubscribed to all my mods, but nothing happened. I saw some claimed that if you have had mods installed, you can't play Dawnguard without incidents because it leaves bits and bobs around that will frack up the game. They said you would have to use a save without mods, or start a new character.


Is there anything I can do to avoid having to start a new character? I have considered removing Dawnguard and play on without it until I'm bored and ready to start a new character. But will I be able to download it without having to pay for it again when that time comes?


These are the mods I had installed:

Barenziah questmarkers.

Breezehouse dog friend.

Dynamic Merchants.

Faster vanilla horses.

General NPC fixer.

Fixed followers.

Lighter dragonscales and bones.

Lighter potions and poisons.

Race +.

Rich merchants.

Smackit house markers.

Extended archery perk.

Town sounds.

Dungeons sounds.

Wild sounds.

Unread books glow.

Whistle for horse.

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I have considered removing Dawnguard and play on without it until I'm bored and ready to start a new character. But will I be able to download it without having to pay for it again when that time comes?

You should be able to delete the local content for Dawnguard and re-install it later. At least I know you can do that with Skyrim and the Creation kit, the DLC shouldn't be any different.

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It would seem that your computer cannot handle the high def texture pack. You should remove it. Your game was just fine until you installed it. This is the cause of your slow loading. Dawnguard is not.


On my computer, Dawnguard was all bugged up. Missing meshes and textures, quests that would not start, weird AI. I finally had to use BSAOpt to unpack the .bsa. (I am not sure what else helped the situation, but Dawnguard finally started working on my forth attempt.) So I am able to play Dawnguard just fine with all 40 of my mods installed. I didn't have to remove anything for the sake of Dawnguard. I didn't have to start any new characters or get any clean saves to play Dawnguard.

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