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CTD In My Time of Need (possible quest spoilers)


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Every time I enter the The Bannered Mare, I get a CTD.


If I have my mods enabled like normal, the second so much as a pixel of her comes out of the kitchen, crash.


If I disable all mods (and have left and come back to clear everything out) I crash as soon as she speaks.


Running v


Thus far, this is the only event/quest/npc that's caused me any problems at all.

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Well, disabling mods may not remove all the scripts. It sounds to me like it is a mod issue, wither with a mod you have now or one that you removed incompletely, maybe even a long time ago, since this is the only place you notice the problem, it could have been present for quite some time before you triggered it.

Bben's troubleshooting guide may help you identify the problem.

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