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Need help creating THE MOST REALISTIC FALLOUT 4!


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Hello Nexus Community,

The idea here is as the title says, creating the most realistic Fallout 4. In the past, I have encountered several mod lists for immersion but none of them were covering everything. I want to make a list covering NPCs, weather, character customization etc. I need people who are experience with modding and load order optimization. Hopefully, with your help, we will create the best, the most realistic, properly working load order.

We can be communicating on Skype or Discord.

Also, I want to the the same for Skyrim Special Edition.

Reply, if you are interested.

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It is always a great idea to create the perfect game, but "we" doesn't work for this, since "realistic" will differ from person to person.
You could list mods and ideas that you think that are realistic, and then people can suggest mods for you, so you can build your "perfect" setup. Sadly, it is never perfect anyway, since some things can always be added, and some things are not that cool over time...

If this can serve as something to you, here is my modwatch (for reference only, since i have a big patch i made for the mods i use, i'm always looking at the esps for conflicts and also i joined textures into ba2 and deleted some or merged other mods in a folder, etc): https://modwat.ch/u/Di3sIrae/plugins

For example, i merged recoil from Immersive Fallout with records from another mod and i'm using the movement changes, nothing else. I like the game to be hard and cruel, so PIRAD, BLD, Agony and such mods are always on my modlist. For me, they are realistic in some way, but most important, they make my game fun to be played and i think that this is what matters most.

Good luck anyway! :)

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