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Blackface in Whiterun area


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So I'm just about finishing a rebuild with Vortex and I'm having a blackface issue with some of the people in Whiterun, like Alfhild Battle-born, Naglfar, Halldis, probably more. I'm running the Bijin All-in-One and those people I have seen so far look ok (up to Lydia). I'm also running pretty much all of Pandorable's mods, which affects Alfhild but not the others. Those are the only mods I am running I can see that are affecting NPC's appearances (as far as I can tell).


What are some mods that could affect people like this in the Whiterun area? Because I am at a loss right now. Everything has been run with LOOT in the background in Vortex (I've even manually sorted), and anything that affects minor appearance changes like Quaint Eyes has been set with a rule to win conflicts.


Any help is appreciated. Its not a game-breaking issue, but it IS annoying.


EDIT: Oh, almost forgot, I am running QUASIPC to patch all the Bijin/Pandorable mods.

Edited by Skinjack
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While I was in SSEEdit poking around for something else, I looked for anything that changed the Non-Player Characters for those people and found nothing. What would be causing the black face if nothing seems to be overriding those people, at least in graphic mods that I can think of that would affect people's faces? Am I not looking in the right place?

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Hmm, well, we can't see your load order but you mentioned that everything was sorted with LOOT.
I take it that you are running Inconsequential NPCs? A properly converted version? If you still have black faces, you may be able to fix things with the Creation Kit.

If you haven't already done so, I would ignore what LOOT says and place anything you find that changes NPCs (Bijin, Pandorables, Male NPC Overhaul, etc.) at the very bottom of your load order.

Can't suggest much else without a link to your mod list.

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Nah, I found the culprit. At least so far. Pandorables NPC's got unloaded somehow. Maybe I accidentally hit the disable button in Vortex while navigating the page. But I still had all the patches for it running so... blackface.


I am running a version of Inconsequential NPC's, that I think was properly converted. Right now I'm just exploring, but so far Whiterun looks good. Thanks for the response. If I run into more issues, I'll yell.

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