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I suck at mods and i dont know whats wrong.


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Seems like every time i try to use mods it breaks in some way. this is my load order, every time i start a new game the starting carriage spirals out of control, the game doesn't crash, it just takes a while to get to helgen. then, when i get to helgen, any time Talious is in field of view the game drops to about a frame per second, again, the game doesnt crash, it just takes forever to get past. I figured at first that it was one of the "immersive series" mods causing his armor to lag the game, i was wrong. and finally, after slogging it through all of that, the game crashes as i enter the starting dungeon. I use both FNIS and LOOT, as far as im aware nothing conflicts, and all dependencies have been met. pls help me i just wanna play skyrim.

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The opening intro is buggy for most people, alt start mod is good alternative. For me,getting my fps locked at 60fps made huge difference. Im an enboost,nvidia user. I think i had to turn vsync off in nvidia and maybe in an ini somewhere in data folder so that enboost would control vsync,and fps rate. Long time ago or i would remember better. Alternate Start is great mod,cant go wrong

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