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Dawnguard Vampire bug


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hey y'all, so i'm having a strange bug atm, when i choose to accept the gift and become a vampire lord, my character doesn't have the correct vampire eyes and all the npcs in the castle still treat me as a mortal and keep telling me to go back to Lord Harkon.

Anyone know a sollution for this by chance?

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Are you using a custom race? Some don't play nice with Dawnguard.


Nope, playing a breton, am using the better females by bella mod, but if that conflicted with dawnguard vampires even the dawnguard-changed vampires would conflict with them

well so i figured


For some reason your brenton's race is not being changed to a vampire. Try this and see if it fixes the problem


Make a clean save in a new slot

open the console


type the following


player.setrace brenton vampire and hit enter


your character should now have the brenton vampire race and be recognized as a vampire in the castle. Your facial features and eyes will change. A possibility that your hair will also change. You can fix the hair by opening the console and typing showracemenu then go the the hair and set it back to your original style. Eyes and facial features have to be fixed by using one of the several vampire face fix mods and eye mods on Nexus. You should then have the Vampire Lord in your powers menu section also.

If for some reason you have problems then reload the clean save before changing the race and you will be back where you started. Then I suggest picking another race. I had problems with the woodelf and changed to Imperial and had no problems.

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