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Empty Fusion Cell Script


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I hope everyone reading this is doing well. The reason for making this post is simple - I'd like a script that gives the player "Empty Fusion Cells" when they fire a weapon, such as the Laser Rifle. My research on the Creation Kit Forum lead me to this page here. I would assume the script would use this event function and then use a leveled list with various chances to give the player Empty Fusion Cells, which could be used at the Chemistry Station to make Fusion Cells. Any input on how to do this would be greatly appreciated, as this is something I've been craving in Fallout 4 for a long time.



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Since OnPlayerFireWeapon is sent to the player, to listen for this event you could add a script to the base actor of the player, that is not convenient, so you should use an alias script, or use a quest script with RegisterForRemoteEvent to listen for OnPlayerFireWeapon.


Reference Alias pointing to Player:

LeveledItem Property LL_EmptyFusionCell Auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell Auto

Event OnPlayerFireWeapon(Form akBaseObject)
	If akBaseObject.GetAmmo() == AmmoFusionCell

or Quest script:

LeveledItem Property LL_EmptyFusionCell Auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell Auto

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerFireWeapon")

Event Actor.OnPlayerFireWeapon(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject)
	If akBaseObject.GetAmmo() == AmmoFusionCell
Edited by DieFeM
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Since OnPlayerFireWeapon is sent to the player, to listen for this event you could add a script to the base actor of the player, that is not convenient, so you should use an alias script, or use a quest script with RegisterForRemoteEvent to listen for OnPlayerFireWeapon.


Reference Alias pointing to Player:

LeveledItem Property LL_EmptyFusionCell Auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell Auto

Event OnPlayerFireWeapon(Form akBaseObject)
	If akBaseObject.GetAmmo() == AmmoFusionCell

or Quest script:

LeveledItem Property LL_EmptyFusionCell Auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell Auto

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerFireWeapon")

Event Actor.OnPlayerFireWeapon(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject)
	If akBaseObject.GetAmmo() == AmmoFusionCell


Here is the script error that I received when compiling the Quest Script that you suggested:

C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FCRScript_DieFeM.psc(11,17): GetAmmo is not a function or does not exist
C:\Users\Plaru\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FCRScript_DieFeM.psc(11,27): cannot compare a void to a ammo (cast missing or types unrelated)

I'd assume the other script would give a similar error? Also, should the quest have a conditional or constant flag? Thank You for the Help!



Edited by Plarux
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Probably, wants type casting (akBaseObject As Weapon).


Wondering, "Received when player fires a weapon out of combat and based on timer" - pretty useless...


PS. ??

OnItemEquipped ...

RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.getPlayer(), "weaponFire")



Or would be more natural, to obtain some (or all) empty shells upon reload, assuming that energy weapons don't throw casings. But i don't know exact event name string ("weaponReload"??). Fire event processing may be required still to track ammo usage.

Could be great to have it for db shotguns as well.

Edited by hereami
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  • 4 weeks later...

Probably, wants type casting (akBaseObject As Weapon).


Wondering, "Received when player fires a weapon out of combat and based on timer" - pretty useless...


PS. ??

OnItemEquipped ...

RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.getPlayer(), "weaponFire")



Or would be more natural, to obtain some (or all) empty shells upon reload, assuming that energy weapons don't throw casings. But i don't know exact event name string ("weaponReload"??). Fire event processing may be required still to track ammo usage.

Could be great to have it for db shotguns as well.


I know this reply is late, but I don't know much about what you've suggested.

When I have some time, I will do some research on what you've mentioned.

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