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Mod resources - using original content


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Hi All. I just wanted to clarify something to avoid any trouble. Can i include resources in my mod that is taken from the original game? In short, i copied and renamed a few sound files from the original game just to make my life easier while modding, since i got confused with the original names. You cannot play this game without the BSA's that contain these files in this first place.


If this is a problem, how is it different from copying an item in the GECK and including it in my mod? Surely redistributing these resources are inherent in modding, which the game creator encourages.

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Depending on how many times the forms in the GECK were used, I would just replace them with the vanilla files when your mod is complete. That's just all part of the house-keeping and fine-tuning phase before you release your super amazing mod that will blow everyone AWAY.


...sorry. I had a good day. :happy: As Q said, it keeps download size down. And, in theory, I would imagine it would be less taxing on the game engine if there are less forms it has to call. (That may be wrong, for it may not matter in this context whether it is calling a bunch of vanilla sounds or custom...)

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