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AI package don't work.


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And no offence taken. I'd forgotten that you can't pick a non-persistent reference from the Render window.


Here's all the particulars of a read package I have assigned to one of my girls in Chorrol (which executes no problem). She has a copy of Overview of Gods and Worship in her inventory. At 10 am every day she has a Travel package (one hour duration, no conditions set) with 'Near Reference' zero radius and only the 'Must Complete' flag set on the Location tab with 'MCBench01Frtlt' 00014EE2 selected from the 'Select Reference in Render Window button (Chorrol Great Oak, nothing set on Target tab). At 11 am every day she has a 'Use Item At' (two hours with the condition set 'IsRaining' == 0.000) with the location selected to the same bench (radius is set to 384 for some reason ... probably just didn't change it from the vanilla package I'd used as a base), no flags set and 'Any Object' selected on the Target tab with the book 'Book2CommonOverviewofGodsandWorship' selected in the Object ID field.


I've found by using the travel package to get them to the right spot and then the use item package I avoid the problem of them 'warping' to the chair from wherever in the cell they are beforehand (for when the read package is in the same cell as their previous package). I haven't tried using the same time for both packages, but it should work providing the travel package is listed above the use item package in their package list. Using the travel pack first works nicely getting them to their seat when their previous package has them in a different cell.


I use the same method for 'sit and drink' packages (targeted to the 'MidleClassPewterMug01' and make sure they have -1 beer in their inventory).

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What exactly do you want the NPC to do? Travel to the XMarker, and then head over to the stool and then Use an Item? And by Use Item, is it an inventory item or do you want the NPC to use the stool?

I want npc to use a stool, but she ignores all x markers exept first one. And stool is ignored too. Not my first day modding, but this time it all went wrong.

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And no offence taken. I'd forgotten that you can't pick a non-persistent reference from the Render window.


Here's all the particulars of a read package I have assigned to one of my girls in Chorrol (which executes no problem). She has a copy of Overview of Gods and Worship in her inventory. At 10 am every day she has a Travel package (one hour duration, no conditions set) with 'Near Reference' zero radius and only the 'Must Complete' flag set on the Location tab with 'MCBench01Frtlt' 00014EE2 selected from the 'Select Reference in Render Window button (Chorrol Great Oak, nothing set on Target tab). At 11 am every day she has a 'Use Item At' (two hours with the condition set 'IsRaining' == 0.000) with the location selected to the same bench (radius is set to 384 for some reason ... probably just didn't change it from the vanilla package I'd used as a base), no flags set and 'Any Object' selected on the Target tab with the book 'Book2CommonOverviewofGodsandWorship' selected in the Object ID field.


I've found by using the travel package to get them to the right spot and then the use item package I avoid the problem of them 'warping' to the chair from wherever in the cell they are beforehand (for when the read package is in the same cell as their previous package). I haven't tried using the same time for both packages, but it should work providing the travel package is listed above the use item package in their package list. Using the travel pack first works nicely getting them to their seat when their previous package has them in a different cell.


I use the same method for 'sit and drink' packages (targeted to the 'MidleClassPewterMug01' and make sure they have -1 beer in their inventory).

Thank you, I'll try it.

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I generally only use markers for the location of a wander package, with the exception of my girls 'meet at the pub for a few drinks' packages. Then I'll either use a vanilla marker or create a marker for them to all gather at (fairly small radius). They stand and drink (using the same Use Item At targeted to the MiddleClassPewterMog01) using the swaying drunk animation. Makes for a nice show when you bump one of them and get her to turn direction (well providing you have BBB installed).
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I see a couple of logic errors in your AI:


Firstly, what purpose does the first package serve? It seems like you could simply cut that package out and tell your NPC to go ahead and travel to the stool (unless you were trying to get her to stand at the x of course).


Second, what is the relative time frame of your NPC's actions? For instance, are you wanting your NPC to go directly from the x marker to the stool? If so, (and you needed to keep the first package) you should make the time of day the same for both packages and assign a "0" to any package that should be immediately succeeded by another package.


Lastly, you may want to consider changing your second package to a "find" package instead. Sometimes successive travel commands can confuse the AI which results in the command being neglected.


It sounds to me like you have a pretty good grasp on the mechanics and all of my suggestions are purely speculative on what you have already devised. But I figured I should add my thoughts seeing as Striker and I have worked extensively (and successfully) on character AI for one of my own long standing projects.

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I see a couple of logic errors in your AI:


Firstly, what purpose does the first package serve? It seems like you could simply cut that package out and tell your NPC to go ahead and travel to the stool (unless you were trying to get her to stand at the x of course).


Second, what is the relative time frame of your NPC's actions? For instance, are you wanting your NPC to go directly from the x marker to the stool? If so, (and you needed to keep the first package) you should make the time of day the same for both packages and assign a "0" to any package that should be immediately succeeded by another package.


Lastly, you may want to consider changing your second package to a "find" package instead. Sometimes successive travel commands can confuse the AI which results in the command being neglected.


It sounds to me like you have a pretty good grasp on the mechanics and all of my suggestions are purely speculative on what you have already devised. But I figured I should add my thoughts seeing as Striker and I have worked extensively (and successfully) on character AI for one of my own long standing projects.

I used xmarker heading and same time is set for all markers, like this: travel to marker01 time 13 -> travel to marker02 time 13 -> travel to stool time 13, and none of the flags are checked, works for now (there are a lot of obstacles, need those markers to avoid them). I just didn't reply that I got it working, got carried away. Kudos to Striker.

Edited by Razormane
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