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Vampire Appearance Has been Removed and I Can't Get it Back


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I am unsure how this happened or what mod clash is causing this, but somehow my vampire appearance for any and all human characters has dissappeared, except for NPCs, they still retain the appearances. I downloaded the "Dynamic Vampire Apearance" mod which does a bunch of stuff for vampires to help recify this and nothing has changed except for the added benefits the mod adds. My character will still remain only as pale as i make them on character creation, the vampire eyes dissappear as well (something even in the vanilla game without mods changed the eyes to only the elven vampire eyes), and my character's appearance won't change even if i blood starve them. The only thing that has stayed is the vampire fangs but that is it.


I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling various mods and I'm trying to avoid doing a complete uninstall of all my mods as I would like to avoid having to start brand new saves as I have already gotten VERY far with them. Could it be possible any of the HDT physics mods have altered this?


Does anyone have any insights?

Edited by Malentis
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