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bizarrely broken vanilla sse


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Right after a Windows update, i started to get severe, consistent FPS lagging (like, 20 fps instead of 60). trying to quit to desktop also makes my entire computer freeze (like i can't just ctrl-alt-delete out of the game freezing upon quit like i used to be able to). i uninstalled the game, deleted any trace of it i could think of from my computer (the Steam folder and the My Games folder specifically-- any other places i should look?), reinstalled my NVIDIA drivers, reinstalled the game, ensured that the game was running w/the correct graphics settings (instead of yknow integrated graphics which was my first guess as to why things were so f*#@y) and tested a vanilla run of it and.... no dice.


the only place i actually get 60 FPS is in the menus. everything else is 20 at *best*. the game freezes and brings my computer down with it upon exit. wtf?!?


(also should note that i tested other games to see if it's specific to skyrim or not and other games seemed to work just fine)


*edit* Solved! it was a roblem with the windows update f*#@ing up my directx and/or a corrupt save screwing with everything else. i uninstalled and reinstalled vc_redist.x86 and x64, uninstalled and reinstalled skyrim *again* (making sure this time to uncheck the option in steam that saves all ur stuff to a cloud), and voila!

Edited by katbird
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