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I'm getting the weirdest missing mesh errors.. AGAIN!


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Well I'm definitely NOT a modder! Just some random geek trying to get a decent working load order :P But are you saying that Bashed Patch does automaticaly what I'm now doing manualy with FO3Plugin?


"One of the reasons why is because as a new modder you have a tendency to change things that are not directly related to your mod because it got on your nerves. Then the players download it an also download another mod to do the same thing the person shouldn't have been messing with in the first place. It's a real mix an match of communication failure."


At the moment I wouldn't know what to change for what reason.. Some of the records I've come across so far seem to speak for themselves, but there is A LOT I have to read up on. Which is what I'm planning to do using the FO3Edit Guide. This is however, all for optimising my own load order, and I'm not going to upload or distribute any merged patches or whatever for other people. That would indeed, in the short or long run, get people into trouble!


By the way.. could you perhaps give me a link to some info regarding Bashed Patch(es/ing)? I searched the FO3Edit Guide, but it doesn't seem to be in there.

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Don't wait too long for a response from SpitBlock, he has been banned. However, I believe you will find this usefull : http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629 and this http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637 . FO3Edit can be intimidating at first, but if you open the manual and read as you work, it is really pretty easy. Good luck. Edited by M48A5
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Aah, thats a shame .. for him .. I guess!

Already got FO3Edit looooong ago.. Just never realy made any real use of it. And I just recently started reading the Manual, so I hope you're right about the easy part!

Thanks for the suggestions though :thumbsup:

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RemQ - Hello!


"And I just recently started reading the Manual, so I hope you're right about the easy part!"


M48A5 is correct, FO3Edit can be off putting at first as it's a lot of numbers & headings but it soon becomes very easy.


My first few mods were made using FO3Edit, I actually learnt to use it before GECK.


I started off with minor tweaks to mods to suit my tastes (weapons stats etc.).


Worked my way up to fixing bugs in other mods & then making some standalone fixes myself.


I've also never read the manual. :)


As long as you backup before tweaking, the worst that can happen is you have to swap the backup back in to replace the goofed up one. ;)


Confidence using FO3Edit is one of the things that got me to learn using the GECK.



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Luckily I keep all downloaded mods neatly organized so I don't have to worry about any backups :)

At least my game is running smoother then ever right now, thanks to the use of FO3Plugin and some new mods :D


I also have tons of ideas for mods, or even one very big one, but since I'm lacking the knowledge to actualy make them, ideas are all they are right now. Who knows, maybe learning FO3Edit might even get me started with modding.. Hope to get around to reading the manual this week!


Again, thanks for the comforting words Prensa!

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