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Since Beth decided to spend more time on making the "bob the builder" crapola (no, I do not think building is fun) instead of focusing on storytelling there is an abundance of loose ends scattered everywhere, you stumle, constantly, upon something that you think will lead you to a story and find..nothing.. I thank the Gods for modders who make the game interesting, had they not been here my first playthrough would also have been my last, I detest the standard companions, they start out great and then.. turn in to cardboard, the factions are ridiculous, you are basically just an errand boy with a fancy title to them, and the interactions are bland.. look at Saugus, the potential in the Scorched is vast, the untapped resources in Nuka-World and the Automatron quest line that could have been so much more than a parody on a "Silver-Shroud" episode.. the Silver Shroud.. what a story-line that could have been, meeting a Mistress of Mystery and cleaning up Boston.. that would be something, or the quest for the "milk of Human kindness" ? an epic romp across the commonwealth teaching the Brutish savage the intricancies of Humanity at its best and worst.. or, finding a way to clear the fog from Far Harbor, maybe there´s a source or some mechanism you would have to find and either persuade or destroy to make the Island habitable... Spectral Island.. finding a way to connect it to the main-land and enable the Commonwealth to thrive.. a Crusade to rid Boston of Super Mutants (BoS quest line) and actually succeeding (maybe in cooperation with rogue scintists from the institute ) ... securing and manning check-points to safeguard Caravans, and building a Company that organizes them.. rebuilding Concord.. retaking Quincy and open trade-routes with the rest of the Continent.. there are so many possibilities and scenarios.. sadly i have the CK-skill of an untrained monkey and no matter how hard i try i can´t even manage to build a follower in Skyrim...I do, however posses a knack for story telling and writing dialogue so any tech-wizard that would work with me will be welcome...


Sorry for the rant...


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Anyone can be a modder with the creation kit + youtube tutorials, so set a target date to publish your first quest and get to it ...

EXCEPT... its NOT that simple when most of the NPCs you would like to 'spruce up' have actual SPOKEN dialogue - you'd have to have a voice-actor re-do ALL of that NPC's lines before you even started with the modded stuff.


When I first played FO4, I LOVED the spoken (audible) dialogue, but now that I realize the problems that causes modders. Perhaps the old-school readable dialogue was best. At least, for games MEANT to be modded (so I guess FO76 wouldn't count, but no-one really thinks about FO76 anyway LOL).


Someone NEEDS to develop some very good voice-emulation software and make it available to modders. Maybe the CIA or KGB has an old version we could borrow. :P

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Anyone can be a modder with the creation kit + youtube tutorials, so set a target date to publish your first quest and get to it ...


You are right but, that with the target date... Oh boy...


Would like to see 1 that finishes his stuff in the time he thought before :).

Edited by taryl80
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