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Rhysk.esm + Patch 1.6


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All was going well until ---

Nobody had any 'Orders' for me.

Saved, Shutdown --- Upon restart I got:


"Master file topic 'Orders' has been deleted by 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.3.esm'.

This may break some quests.

You should probably remove the plug-in from the data files.

If you are certain you don't need the topic you can resave your game

and this message will not appear anymore."

Closed it and ran a fix on the save in Wrye Mash 84 and got this:


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "masher.pyo", line 6713, in Execute
File "masher.pyo", line 361, in LogMessage
File "wx\_controls.pyo", line 1690, in __init__
wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at ..\..\src\msw\control.cpp(159) in wxControl::MSWCreateControl(): CreateWindowEx("EDIT", flags=52211844, ex=00000200) failed


What do/can I do ?


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