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Large Fireballs?


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Hi, I have made a prison system with torture capabilities in my mod. You can hit people with fire, lightning and frost damage. The lightning and frost are fine. They play large enough visuals to look good. The fire, however, doesn't look cool. It makes these wimpy little fireballs. I have set it with the spell StandardFireDamageTarget5Master. It plays the same size fireball as the novice level spell. I can't figure out how to make the fireball more lively. It needs to look like more than a molten drop.


Any help would be appreciated. I haven't torn apart Midas Magic yet, as I don't want to add any mods until my work is done. Also it can take a long time for me to reverse engineer. I would need to see if it even has a spell like what I'm looking for. Then I would have to tes4edit to find out everything which the spell had changed, and anything related to the spell.


If anybody here has a simple work around, I would love it.


Thanks again to all who have helped in the past,


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If you set the spell to be an area spell (small area, though) with a short time duration, it should give you a better effect. Delphine Jend's 'Enemies Explode' does this.
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