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So You Want to Make a Mod: Another Thread Doomed to be Read Only By Th


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There are pinned versions of words to this effect up at most forums, but the persistence of certain types of threads and mods seems to indicate nobody is reading them. This means there's not really much point in my making another one. My main intention here is to amuse those who are possessed of a constant desire to seize the attempted modder by the throat and scream "READ THE PINNED THREADS!"


I should add, by the way, that I've been modding for two years now (mainly models and textures), so this is not an instance of "Do as I say, not as I do."


Herewith, Things to Consider Before You Make a Mod:


1. Much as this may shock you, Oblivion is played by females of your species, serious roleplayers, and many others who do not play exclusively white human male characters. Thus, when creating companions and/or quests, do not have the dialogue assume that the player character is human, male, and romantically interested in females. This becomes very annoying when the player is, for example, female and undead, or roleplaying a demon custom race that thinks human chicks are ugly.


2. There are enough big castles now. New towns and arenas are also not in particularly short supply at the moment.


3. The glowing blue portal from the Peryite Shrine quest is now so common in mods that the average mod user cannot turn a corner without tripping over one. Consider using something else.


4. If you can't make custom content because "the tutorials are too hard," don't expect other people to do so. Cries of "I need ten modelers to join my huge total conversion because I don't know how!" are likely to net you either a. nothing or b.more people at your own experience level.


5. While I personally feel it is not possible to have too many new weapons, there is now no shortage of custom sword meshes out there. Consider making other weapon types as well. Bow and axe lovers will thank you.


6. It is now possible to obtain every conceivable skin color of girly elf with or without droopy anime ears. Similarly, cat girls of varying quality levels are now available to suit a wide variety of preferences. Trust me on this.


7. Color-tweak retextures are not a bad start into modding, especially as a way to learn your 2D program and the CS. Please consider whether such a thing has already been done before you make another suit of dark steel armor, however.


8. See previous remarks in re:many types of players and recall, when making armor, that it is nice for it to be wearable by male AND female characters.


9. Work with whatever body meshes you want. Let others do the same without criticizing their choice.


10. Know what you're getting into. Modding is hard and it takes a lot of time. Invest or move on.

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Thanks SickleYield. I agree with this post. Modding is hard work and if you think that some/any aspect of modding is too hard to learn then you have already decided that you can't do it. Don't expect anyone to join you on a huge mod if you yourself aren't willing to do most of the work and learning.
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I agree on all points except number 2. Although there are plenty of them around, there aren't many that are very well done, and have quests involved with them. These sorts of mods also end up being rather useful for getting people familiar with working with larger projects. Think of it as an expansion of the "house mod" concept. There were already too many house mods being made 2 years ago, yet it is still suggested as a first worldbuilding project simply because of the number of different areas someone needs to be familiar with to make one. The only alternative I could see to this would be joining one of those large mods, and helping them make towns and such... But very few people are willing to do that when they can make their own small town, castle, and not have to make it any more complex than NPCs with wander packages. So yeah, although I would literally be willing to sell a minor organ to get a half dozen capable people helping with filling out a new worldspace, I still see the value in people doing their own projects as a means of learning, or being impressed with their own ability, even if there is no more space open in Tamriel where such things can be placed without conflicting with other things.


And yeah... Axes, maces, clubs, even daggers, or staff meshes would certainly be appreciated. There are too many freaking swords out there.

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There's an old saying about advice - The Wise don't need it, and Fools won't heed it.

Here's hoping that at least one or two 'Fools' will at least Read it, and maybe grow wise in the process.

ok,I read it...anyone want to join me for a huge mod undertaking?


All kidding aside,nice article and indeed,many good points.

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Dont know if this is the correct place to request this but...


Im currently working on HUGE city mod complete with Arena. The Arena will have completely naked Cute female Elves battling to the death. Only problem is.. I dont own Oblivion, or know how to install a mod. Can 100 or so modders waste their time helping me out only for me to then give up a week later?


Thanks in advance.


Wrong place to post?




Seriously tho, not a modder myself but good points worth listening to.

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Dont know if this is the correct place to request this but...


Im currently working on HUGE city mod complete with Arena. The Arena will have completely naked Cute female Elves battling to the death. Only problem is.. I dont own Oblivion, or know how to install a mod. Can 100 or so modders waste their time helping me out only for me to then give up a week later?


Thanks in advance.


Wrong place to post?




Seriously tho, not a modder myself but good points worth listening to.

I'm in!!!!!

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He actually enlightened me, never knew that the peryite portal was so over-used - and it doesn't make much of a difference if it's retextured too >_>


Will replace it with something more 'original' for my mod (which is coming very soon to a TesNexus near you)


Dont know if this is the correct place to request this but...


Im currently working on HUGE city mod complete with Arena. The Arena will have completely naked Cute female Elves battling to the death. Only problem is.. I dont own Oblivion, or know how to install a mod. Can 100 or so modders waste their time helping me out only for me to then give up a week later?


Thanks in advance.


Wrong place to post?




Seriously tho, not a modder myself but good points worth listening to.

Hehe, they always ask for the impossible without giving anything themselves. I've seen far too many [WIP/Req] total conversion threads than actual releases..



'Hwy guys im 12 and I had AN IDEA! ! ! lets make oblivion an MMO - with dragons n nightelves n epic lut lulz rofl

i cna b project leader an im recrooting lotsa xperiencd modders lyk nicoroshi, qarl, willieSea an midas - you can all join i dnt mind 2 much but ask me 1st k? i can make .esp files nd i hav construction set - PM me'

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